本帖最后由 优士安居 于 7-11-2018 12:28 编辑
新加坡居民供电原来只由SP SERVICES提供。现在开放电力市场了(参考居民收到的小册子,或网址www.savewithtuas.com),https://www.openelectricitymarket.sg/about/oem/nationwide-launch.html。比如与新的电力供应商TUAS POWER签两年浮动电价的合约PowerDO,平均每月大概能便宜21%左右电费。比较保守的,可以签固定电价的配套PowerFIX。附上算法(假设每月原电费100元)。用电量大的家庭,确实可以考虑换电力供应商。
上传最近的SP Services水电费账单,以及申请人的IC正反面;
填上Referral Code.
签约后,每个人都会收到确认邮件,以及一个referral code的短信。我签约后收到短信:Refer A Friend to Tuas Power and get a $20 voucher* for each sign-up! Your referral code is RC4BF68. Visit www.savewithtuas.com for more info. TnCs apply*
浮动配套例子之一(两年配套,假设原SP services每月账单是100元):
For now, your current estimated SP monthly bill is about $100.00. For 24 months, you pay a total of $2400.00.With PowerDO (24mths) plan and first 2 months free,
your total estimated bill size will be $1896.02,
which means you can enjoy a savings of UP to $503.98!
Which is a 21% off!
PowerDO (24mths) guarantees you savings as long as you switch from SP Services to Tuas Power.
固定配套例子之一(两年配套,假设原SP services每月账单100元):
For now, your current estimated SP monthly bill is about $100.00. For 24 months, you pay a total of $2400.00.
With PowerFIX (24mths) plan and first 2 months free,
your total estimated bill size will be $1793.96,
which means you can enjoy a savings of UP to $606.04!
Which is a 25.25% off!
PowerFIX (24mths) helps to fight against price uncertainty in the case where SP Services' tariff rate increases.
固定配套,是一定期间(如两年)内每度电费固定;浮动配套,是一定期限内电价根据市场电价(参考SP的价格基准)变动而变动,有波动。// 和房屋浮动与固定配套的贷款利率的算法类似。
Tuas Power电费账单交由原来SP Services处理.有疑问可以问网站右下角的在线客服Chat:for your added convenience, Tuas Power tied up with SP Services to act as our billing agent. you may sign up and log in to the SP Utilities Portal to view your bills online or through SP Utilities' mobile app.
As Tuas Power has tied up with SP Services for our residential customers to reduce hassle of having to pay multiple bills!
(为了您的方便,Tuas Power公司与SP服务公司合作成为我们的账单代理。您可以注册并登录SP实用程序门户,在线或通过SP实用程序的移动应用程序查看账单。
因为Tuas Power已经与SP服务绑定,为我们的住宅客户减少支付多账单的麻烦!)