本帖最后由 leoedutech 于 25-2-2019 22:52 编辑
Memo的脑力革命真的蛮有效!编故事来记单词,联想记忆法来复习科学,思维导图帮助串联知识点,速算法提高数学效率,家长和孩子都获益匪浅!如果你想提高孩子的记忆力、想象力、创造力...如果你想建立孩子的自信...如果想提高孩子的各科成绩...快来报名memo的速记速算思维导图训练课!原价988的课程3月2日开课前报名都可以享受$50块的折扣!! 机不可失,抓紧抢位哦!
Do you know how to make a story to memorise vocabulary?Do you know how to use a mindmap to review key points of science? Do you know how to do speedy calculation to enhance math efficiency?Brainstorm Revolution is coming! We aim at improving the memory, imagination and creativity of your children, to build up the confidence and to improve learning! Register with us NOW to enjoy $50 discount from $988 for 12 sessions before March 2nd!Class starts on 2nd March! Contact: Whatsapp - ; Wechat - leogxy. Address: Leo Education Centre, Stirling road Blk 171 #01-1111.