发表于 16-10-2019 08:59:52|来自:新加坡
本帖最后由 北方人8 于 16-10-2019 09:33 编辑
坡坡人8成左右到55岁CPF里SA都能达到最低限额,但是能达到SA足额的不到一半,我指的就是这些人,如果他们在55之前,OA里还有余额,就会被要求用来添补SA 至顶限,当然也可以用房产抵押.
Q1 How much can I withdraw from my CPF accounts?
The amount you can withdraw depends on the balances in your CPF account and the year you are born. For members born in 1958 and after:
Savings in your Special Account and Ordinary Account : Amount which you can withdraw
$5,000 or less : All your Special and Ordinary Account savings
Between $5,000 and your Full Retirement Sum : (i) $5,000,and (ii) Any Retirement Account savings (excluding interest earned, any government grants received and top-ups made under the Retirement Sum Topping-up Scheme) above your Basic Retirement Sum, if you own a property with remaining lease that can last you to at least 95 years old.
More than your Full Retirement Sum : (i) $5,000, or your Special and Ordinary Account savings above your Full Retirement Sum, whichever is higher and (ii) Any Retirement Account savings (excluding interest earned, any government grants received and top-ups made under the Retirement Sum Topping-up Scheme) above the Basic Retirement Sum, if you own a property with remaining lease that can last you to at least 95 years old.
Q2 I cannot meet my Full Retirement Sum. Do I need to top up my CPF account with cash?
If you do not have your Full Retirement Sum in your Retirement Account, you do not need to top up your Retirement Account with cash out-of-pocket. However, do note that setting aside a lower retirement sum will result in lower monthly payouts from your payout eligibility age.
If you receive any new CPF contributions, government top-ups or other refunds in your CPF account after age 55, part or all of these amounts will be transferred to your Retirement Account on your next withdrawal, to top it up to your Full Retirement Sum, or your Basic Retirement Sum if you own a property.
Year: Basic Retirement Sum(BRS)/ Full Retirement Sum(FRS) 2 x BRS /Enhanced Retirement Sum(ERS) 3 x BRS
2017 $83,000 $166,000 $249,000
2018 $85,500 $171,000 $256,500
2019 $88,000 $176,000 $264,000
2020 $90,500 $181,000 $271,500