本帖最后由 CHERRY_BLOSSOM 于 18-1-2020 22:30 编辑
您有梦想像专业游泳者一样游得又快又美吗?这里是您梦想成真的起点:裕廊东体育中心 新加坡NROC注册的经验丰富的专业教练不但专注游泳技能的培训而且注重力量,耐力和形体的训练。而且课程会根据个人的情况因人而异,双语授课。 按照教育部的教学大纲授课:Swimfast Progrmme 成人和儿童班 集体或个人私教课程
Do you have a dream to swim as fast and graceful as a professional? You are welcome to join the training in Jurong East Sports Complex. The swimming coache is a NROC certified professional with a vast experience, who focuses not only on helping you learn swimming skills but also improving your strength, stamina,endurance and body shape. Moreover, the classes are tailored to suit individual needs and bilingual.
MOE Swim syllabus Swimsafer Programme Adults or kids swim classes group or solo classes available