南洋女佣 LV6
2022-10-16 · 8720 阅读
8720 人阅读
8 人回复
本帖最后由 南洋女佣 于 18-10-2022 13:28 编辑
缅甸, 女佣, 态度, 面相, 薪水, 缅甸, 女佣, 态度, 面相, 薪水, 缅甸, 女佣, 态度, 面相, 薪水
| Hi, are you planning to hire a foreign domestic helper for your family? We, Nanyang Maids Agency, specialize in recruiting maids from Indonesia, Myanmar, and Philippines. Our domestic helpers are all well trained before being deployed to their employers. We promise to provide our clients the best services with the most affordable agency fee.
| What our client says: "I heard about Nanyang Maids Agency through a friend. I WhatsApp the customer service staff and went to their office in Clementi to interview maids. Their services were great – very professional and helpful. The process was clear and felt comfortable throughout. I have recommended this agency to my friends." - Michelle Ng (Employer of A Domestic Helper; A Busy Mother of 3 Children and Working Full Time) |
| | Our Helpers: Well-trained, Caring, Reliable, Good service attitudes. |
| | Contact via WeChat (Nanyangmaids) to get a special $100 discount. |
| | Caring and experienced helper for your children. |
| | Reliable helpers for elderly care. |
| | Well-trained helpers for your housework. |
| | Get S$100 Agency Fee Discount Now
You can get $100 discount from our agency fee. Please contact us via WeChat (Nanyangmaids) or WhatsApp (87779817)
| | Request BioData and Book Interview Now
You can interview our foreign domestic helpers online via WhatsApp or WeChat. Face-to-face interview is available at our Clementi branch.
View as a Web Page
Nanyang Maids Agency Pte. Ltd. (MOM EA Licence No: 19C9817)
Address: 3151 Commonwealth Ave West, #01-25, Grantral Mall, Singapore 129581
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| 南洋女佣:值得您信赖的女佣中介公司
我们南洋女佣介绍所 (Nanyang Maids Agency), 为您提供最专业和效率的女佣中介服务。有了我们的专业服务,您就不用再为找女佣的事操心和烦恼了。我们的信念不光是为您找到一位合适的女佣而已。南洋女佣的企业愿景是帮每位雇主找到一位可以信赖的帮手.
| 我们的顾客向你推荐:南洋女佣
"公司同事推荐了南洋女佣介绍所 Nanyang Maids Agency 给我。我微信联系了客服,很快就安排面试了好几个女佣。南洋女佣的服务非常好,专业便利的服务帮我省去了很多麻烦。整个过程从头到尾都很顺利。我毫无保留地推荐南洋女佣给有需要找女佣的朋友" - 黄女士 (女佣雇主, 全职工作,家有三娃) |
| | 我们的女佣受过培训,细心负责,服务态度好. |
| | 微信联系客服 (Nanyangmaids) 就送您 $100 新元 的优惠. |
| | 用心,负责,有经验的保姆帮您照顾孩子. |
| | 可靠, 细心,负责的女佣帮您照顾长者. |
| | 受过培训的女佣帮您做家务,煮饭, 洗车. |
| | 微信联系客服,领取$100新币的优惠券
透过微信(Nanyangmaids) 或是WhatsApp 88115592 联系我们客服,就送您 $100新币的优惠券
| | 联系客服索取简历和安排面试
您可以透过微信或 WhatsApp 视频面试女佣, 或是到我们的分店, 面地面地面试女佣. 我们的店位于金文泰君超广场,地铁站出门旁。
Nanyang Maids Agency Pte. Ltd. (MOM EA Licence No: 19C9817)
Address: 3151 Commonwealth Ave West, #01-25, Grantral Mall, Singapore 129581