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供应广西白毛茶 圣种六堡茶

发表于 半年前|来自:广东深圳 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 overseacapital 于 21-10-2022 15:11 编辑

树品种,系明朝建文帝卓锡在横县南山应天寿佛寺手植,亦称白毛茶。1822 年和 1915 年代表中国参加巴拿马国际农产品
名茶。2016 年六堡茶散茶、紧压饼茶分别荣获

Liu Pao Dark Tea
Liu Pao tea selects the fine fresh tea leaves of the original tea varieties of Nanshan Bai
Mao Tea as raw materials, which is a famous tea with a history of more than 600 years and a
national geographical indication protection product. With the optimization of the proportion,
adopted the cold fermentation technology of "Four Money" and carefully made, the Liu
Pao tea has become the best collection.
"Nanshan Bai Mao Tea" produced in Hengxian,Guangxi, is a tea tree variety with high content of
"tea polyphenols". It was planted by Zhuoxi, Emperor Jianwen of Ming Dynasty, in Nanshan
Yingtianshou Buddhist temple of Heng County, also known as  Bai Mao Tea. In 1822
and 1915, it’s on behalf of China to participated in Panama International Agricultural Products
Exhibition and World Exposition and won silver medal. It was the first Chinese famous tea
awarded in the world. In 2016,  Nanshan Liu Pao Tea loose tea and tight pressed
cake tea won the only gold award and silver award of Liu Pao Tea in Beijing Asia Pacific Tea Grand
Liu Pao Tea" has the dark tea characteristics of "mellow, thick, sweet, and smooth";
the color is clear, and it is like "ink" when brew for a long time. It is rich in flavonoids, theanine,
catechin, theaflavin, theanine, tea polysaccharide and other trace elements, which is suitable for
modern fast-paced life and modern popular dietetic structure.


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