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W&W Defect Inspection
Professional and customer-oriented service of defectinspection/consultation including: - New house (HDB BTO flats, EC/condominium). - Resale units’ final inspection before OTP signing. - Post tenancy. - Post renovation. - Commercial properties. 专业承接 - 新房(组屋,EC/公寓)看房与瑕疵验收服务 - 二手房决定签署购买意向前的最终验收服务 - 租房后验收服务 - 装修后验收服务 - 门市房验收服务
Professionality - National University ofSingapore (NUS) Honoured bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. - NUS Honoured master’s degree inproject management BCA Academy certificate - CONQUASTraining for Builders. - 6+years’ experience in building, including structural, architectural &Mechanical + Electrical engineering. - 1000+defect inspection & lock up experience. - Stakeholder management technique. - Customized professional advicefor each unit. 专业性 - 新加坡国立大学项目管理专业荣誉硕士学位 - BCA Academy certificate - CONQUAS Training for Builders - 政府组屋与公寓建设总包工作6+年份 - 各种面积,各种类别房屋结构建设,水电装修工程,瑕疵验收与交房锁门程序共1000+套 - 丰富的建筑现场经验,杰出的检验能力,与利益相关方熟练的交涉技巧 - 根据现场情况客制专业建议
Detailed services – Full package - Conducting 1st (With client representative) inspection to identifydefects in the property. - Brief client what are the findings and recommendations. - Recording defects in developer’s approved format for client’s usage. - Conducting 2nd (Joint/handover) inspection after rectification workshave been done by the builder. - Handphone-contact follow up if needed after final fixing of builder 具体服务–Full package - 进行与客户代表的第一次验收 - 告知客户发现的瑕疵,并提出相关建议 - 用开发商允许的形式纪录下来,给客户留底 - 在修理工作完成,客户收到开发商的信息后,进行与建筑商/开发商代表,与客户代表的第二次共同验收 - 如需要可以手机联系收尾工作
Detailed services – Essential package - Conducting 1st (With client representative) inspection to identify defectsin the property. - Brief client what are the findings and recommendations. - Recording defects in developer’s approved format for client’s usage. - Handphone-contact follow up if needed after final fixing of builder 具体服务–Essential package - 进行与客户代表的第一次验收 - 告知客户发现的瑕疵,并提出相关建议 - 用开发商允许的形式纪录下来,给客户留底 - 如需要可以手机联系收尾工作
Professional Equipment - Equipment has been Certified ROHS Compliant and is compliant withindustry standards. I will run through with you on every single equipment thatis used in your unit if needed. The equipment is approved safe for environmentuse and will not incur any damage to the house. 专业工具 - 准备使用的工具均为行业水平,且符合ROHS标准。如需要,每一件用具都会耐心向您解释如何使用,在哪使用,保证不会影响新房自带装修
收费标准 ProfessionalFees
60-70% of marketprice! 市价6-7折!
Group buy of 3 units –5% off Group buy of 5 units –10% off More unit’s group buymore discount! 3户团购95折 5户团购9折 更多户,团购折扣更多!
Free consultation - You may call orTelegram/WhatsApp me directly at +65 . - Alternatively you may contactmy WeChat: hesakula
免费咨询 手机Handphone/Telegram/WhatsApp:+65 微信:hesakula