本帖最后由 胡hgf 于 10-6-2024 13:01 编辑
Question types for Primary 6 Mathematics preliminaryexamination 1. Assumption questions a. Animal vs number of legs b. Vehicles vs number of wheels 2. Ratio a. Constant Total b. Constant Difference c. Constant parts 3. Fraction a. Part-whole questions b. Equating numerator to be the same c. Equating denominator to be the same d. Before and after e. Working backwards 4. Decimals a. Grouping and sets b. Comparing values c. 2 variable questions 5. Percentage a. Part-whole questions b. Percentage discount c. Percentage increase or decrease d. Include tax e. Before and after f. Comparison between groups 6. Whole number a. Grouping and sets b. Difference between group c. Excess and shortage d. Before and after e. Working backwards 7. Algebra a. Forming equations b. Forming terms c. Identity question d. Solving for unknown e. Simplifying equations 8. Rate, Time and Speed a. Distance, speed and time b. Meeting up in middle c. Catching up d. Opposite direction e. Rate of filling tank f. Rate of emptying tank g. Rental charge 9. Measurement a. Circle: Area and perimeter of circles,semi-circle, quarter circle and leaf shape b. Triangle: Area and perimeter c. Quadrilaterals: Area and perimeter of square,rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium d. Composite figures: Area and perimeter e. Area and Volume of 3D figures: Cube and cuboid f. Unit cube in complex figures 10. Geometry a. Compass bearings b. Angles in shapes: Triangle, square, rectangle,parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium c. Angles on parallel line d. Measuring angles e. Tessellations f. Line of symmetry g. Net of 3D figures 11. Statistics a. Bar graph b. Line graph c. Tables d. Pie Chart e. Average 12. Heuristics a. Gap and difference b. Number pattern c. Before and after d. Spatial questions e. Temporal questions f. Logic questions 后面会包括一些例题
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Percentage increase decrease
Statistics Line Graph
Whole numbers Grouping and Sets