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化妆扮美服务 MAKE UP SERVICE 衷心感谢大家的支持

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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 youthtopie 于 28-1-2012 13:08 编辑

大家好,我可以为大家提供各种不同的化妆服务。回顾这几年我参加了很多国际知名品牌MAKE UP WORKSHOP以及经常接触到国际级化妆大师的最新的美容咨询。我也曾经在Taiwan学过专业的新娘化妆。我所提供的化妆服务是走在时尚尖端并且非常适合个人的而且我的化妆用品都是高素质并且得到很多MAKE UP ARTIST 认可的,而且很多化妆用品都是当季的新品和限量版,口碑相当不错啊。欢迎大家联系我,周一至周五8点到6点请大家短信联系。其他时间欢迎大家打电话咨询或预约。

我的电话是9  8  2  6  7 9 6  8我可以为大家提供一个舒服且愉快的化妆过程。



-Wedding & ROM 婚礼及注册造型(新娘妆,新郎及伴娘姐妹妆,也包括教堂婚礼,传统敬茶仪式等)
-Everyday Neutral make up 清新妆/裸妆
-Barbie Doll make up 芭比妆
-Princess Look 皇室公主造型
-Japan Anime make up 日系女星妆/ Taiwan & US make up TW及美式妆容
-Interview make up 面试妆
-Graduation Ceremony 毕业典礼妆
-Tropical make up 热带沙滩妆
-Summer make up 开心夏季妆
-Winter Pearly Look 冬季珍珠妆
-Mint Chocolate make up薄荷朱古力
-Watermelon make up冰凉西瓜
-Smokey (any color)各式烟熏妆/Antique Smokey 复古烟熏妆
-Magazine Look (Any Theme) 精致时尚杂志妆容
-Crystal make up 水晶透明妆
-Fun Rainbow make up乐趣彩虹妆
-Oriental Beauty make up 经典东方美女造型
-Happy Parties make up 各式独一无二派对装(各式主题)
-Classical Dance & Gala Dinner Make-up/ Make up for a given Theme/ Co-ordination of Designer Garments & Make-up 正式晚宴,婚宴,D&D造型
-Customize make up
-Model Photo shoot/studio/state/commercial photography

ROM 及婚礼化妆超值配套:

Package A

Wedding Day OR Night

-1 Bridal makeup and hairstyling (Day OR Night)

-1 Bottle of ampoule

-1 Pair of eyelash (customized eyelashes)

-Facial diamond & crystal as and when required

Package B

Wedding Day AND Night

2 Bridal makeup and hairstyling (Day AND Night)

2 Bottles of ampoules

2 Pairs of eyelash (customized eyelashes)

Facial diamond & crystal as and when required

Package C


1 ROM makeup and hairstyling

1 Bottle of ampoule

1 Pair of eyelash

Package D

Studio Photography

3 Studio makeup and hairstyling

1 Bottle of ampoule

1 Pair of eyelash

Facial diamond & crystal as and when required

Package E

Studio + Wedding Day And Night

2 Bridal makeup and hairstyling (Day AND Night)

2 Studio makeup and hairstyling

2 Bottles of ampoules

3 Pairs of eyelashes

Facial diamond & crystal as and when required


Bridesmaid makeup & Hairstyling

Mother makeup & Hairstyling

Manicure & Pedicure

-12星座幸运色 (底妆,眼妆,创造专属于自己的独特眉色)


-Historical (Period) Make up
-Current Fashion Trend Make up
-90's Reproduction of the 'Period' Make up
-80's Style Make up (Brooke Shields)
-70's Style Make up (Twiggy Style)
-60's Style Make up (Brigitte Bardot)


生日月份的特别惊喜!!! (凡是生日月份找DEBBIE化妆或做整体造型的朋友都可以享受意想不到的优惠价格)
Debbie 的服务向来高水准,而且收费合理透明但是无奈COPY CAT所以请大家发短信查询。

NEWS!!化妆是一个永无止境的课题,Debbie现在有开设化妆班把这些化妆的特别技巧传达给大家 (可从基础学起,也可以学习自己喜欢的妆容),大家可选择普通话或英文教学。另外也会和大家分享各大品牌最HOT的流行资讯,每个班最多两个学生,化妆品和工具都是由我提供给大家,上课时间大家可商议。感兴趣的MM请联系我。


COPY CAT 不要抄袭我的帖子!!

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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

2009万圣节主题化妆-Halloween Make up

本帖最后由 youthtopie 于 20-8-2011 21:02 编辑

Debbie 将为大家呈现最HOT,XG,恐惧的万圣节夜晚主题化妆。
- Halloween Witch 万圣节女巫
- Halloween Gothic Vampire Make Up 万圣节吸血鬼
- Halloween Fairy Look 万圣节仙女
- Halloween Angel 天使
- Halloween Corpse Bride 僵尸新娘
- Halloween Barbie 万圣节芭比
- Halloween Boogie Night Zombie
- Halloween Moon Sailor
- Halloween Pumkin
- Halloween Pink & **y cat
- Halloween couples look

halloween make up.jpg
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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

SHISEIDO New Product

本帖最后由 youthtopie 于 20-8-2011 21:14 编辑


shiseido girl.jpg
(限量两款)Eyes Creator (3D) 5款.jpg
Shiseido Maquilage image girl ICONIQ.jpg
Eyes Creator (3D).jpg
Lasting Perfect Rough.jpg
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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 youthtopie 于 2-2-2010 21:47 编辑

RMK 春季系列



RMK Spring Modern Eyes 全5款 (限量发售)

RMK Spring Modern Eyes 全5款 (限量发售)

RMK Nail Color N 新色4色 (春夏限量色)

RMK Nail Color N 新色4色 (春夏限量色)

RMK Spring Modern Cheeks 全3款 (限量发售)

RMK Spring Modern Cheeks 全3款 (限量发售)
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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 youthtopie 于 22-6-2010 09:50 编辑

Package A

Wedding Day OR Night

-1 Bridal makeup and hairstyling (Day OR Night)

-1 Bottle of ampoule

-1 Pair of eyelash (customized eyelashes)

-Facial diamond & crystal as and when required

Package B

Wedding Day AND Night

2 Bridal makeup and hairstyling (Day AND Night)

2 Bottles of ampoules

2 Pairs of eyelash (customized eyelashes)

Facial diamond & crystal as and when required

Package C


1 ROM makeup and hairstyling

1 Bottle of ampoule

1 Pair of eyelash

Package D

Studio Photography

3 Studio makeup and hairstyling

1 Bottle of ampoule

1 Pair of eyelash

Facial diamond & crystal as and when required

Package E

Studio + Wedding Day And Night

2 Bridal makeup and hairstyling (Day AND Night)

2 Studio makeup and hairstyling

2 Bottles of ampoules

3 Pairs of eyelashes

Facial diamond & crystal as and when required


Bridesmaid makeup & Hairstyling

Mother makeup & Hairstyling

Manicure & Pedicure

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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

blooming dreamer

本帖最后由 youthtopie 于 1-8-2010 20:39 编辑

Majolica Mjorca.jpg :)
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