As a starting Co., my suggestions: u can do the accounts, design and issue the invoices by yourself. It is very easy and can set up the a/c format by Excel. and first accounting period can be extended to 18 months to report ur annual income/loss. No need to be audited as annual income is below S$3mil per year.
The P&L and Balance Sheet format is quite similiar to the one in China.
Tax:1) usually u need to fi;; up income return each financial year,it will be directed mailed by Gov. to u and normally the co. would let the Audit firm or A/c firm to handle.
Tax 2)GST ---less than 1 mil annually can report once a year instead of quarterly reporting. but if u sell less than buying in singapore, u can get more money back from Gov.
Your co. is so small ,inactive and brand-new,gov. usually do not have any interests to check or no need to worry at all.
For a biginner,my suggestion is !)u can draft a/cs by self and every year let a small and cheap audit or a/c firm to finalise a/c--p/l &b/S.and prepare the tax issues for u.can save alot.
if u r interested,u can contact me at I graduated from ACCA this year and had 2-3 years full sets a/c and trading side experience in Singapore.hope i can help u.
The invoices can be designed by Excel and need to be Numbered--easy for u to refer back in future also.I can help u design also.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-21 14:05:32编辑过] |