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OER K-12 Bill Passes in U.S. Washington State - Creative Commons

发表于 半年前|来自:福建莆田 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
“regarding open educational resources in k-12 education” passed the senate (47 to 1) and is on its way back to the house for final concurrence. it already passed the house 88 to 7 before moving to the senate.
the  directs the superintendent of public instruction () to support the 295 wa k-12 school districts in learning about and adopting existing open educational resources (oer) aligned with wa and  curricular standards (e.g.,  textbooks & ). the bill also directs ospi to “provide professional development programs that offer support, guidance, and instruction regarding the creation, use, and continuous improvement of open courseware.”
representative  has been a leader working on open education (including the ) in wa for years and has blogged about it: ,christian louboutin outlet, ,  and .
the opening section of the bill reads:
congratulations washington state!
representative carlyle introducing hb2337 in the house:
wa is poised to follow the good work of , ,christian louboutin sandales, and so many others who have gone before.
this legislature has declared that the status quo — $130m / year for expensive, paper-only textbooks that are, on average, 7-11 years out of date — is unacceptable. wa policy makers instead decided their 1 million+ elementary students deserve better and they have acted.
creative commons’ director of global learning, , testifying about the impact of the bill on elementary education in the senate:
there was exciting open policy news from u.s. washington state (wa) last evening.
while focus of this bill is to help school districts identify existing high-quality, free,christian louboutin pas cher, openly licensed,christian louboutin pompes, common core state standards aligned resources available for local adoption; any content built with public funds,louboutin ireland, must be licensed under “an  license.”
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   2011  june - creative commons


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