本帖最后由 liangye 于 9-12-2012 14:47 编辑
此外,我们还有几瓶GNC左旋肉碱(小瓶装60粒,我们offer $38。大瓶装120粒,我们offer $58)。保质期到2015年3月。 一瓶GNC 钙片 Calcimate Plus 800,内装500粒,我们offer$36。保质期到2016年3月。
以下是鱼油成分: - 300mg of Omega-3 fatty acids in a single softgel
- Supports healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels - Helps maintain brain, skin, eye and joint health - Purified
As a dietary supplement, take one or two softgel capsules up to three times daily.
Other Ingredients: Fish Body Oil, Gelatin, Glycerin, Vitamin E
No Sugar, No Starch, No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Flavors, No Preservatives, No Wheat, No Gluten, No Corn, No Dairy, Yeast Free.
Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place.