Baby Bjorn Travel Crib Light

2012-08-25 · 2412 阅读
本帖最后由 minimama 于 30-8-2012 15:18 编辑


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Baby Bjorn Travel Crib Light
The BABYBJÖRN Travel Crib Light is the perfect crib to take with you on trips. It weighs only 11 pounds (5 kg) and is set up in one simple movement. It comes with a case that is as handy as an ordinary bag. Sleeping away from home with small children has never been easier.

♦ Weighs only 11lbs/5 kg including carrying case
♦ In one simple movement the travel crib is set up and ready for use
♦ The sturdy mattress keeps the travel crib firmly on the floor

♦ Mattress: 24 x 41 x 4 in/60 cm x 105 cm x 4 cm.
♦ Inside, bottom: 32 x 44 x 24 in/82 cm x 112 cm x 60 cm.
♦ Folded: 19 x 24 x 6 in/60 cm x 49 cm x 14 cm
♦ Click here for more info

Brand:Baby Bjorn
Country of Origin : Sweden
Design :
Quantity :

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minimama LV7

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

We found this porta cot so light, so easy to use and comfortable for bub. He sleeps every night in it at the moment and he seems to love it. We travel frequently and I don't break my back lugging it into hotel rooms or out of the car and setting it up after all day travelling is great as it only takes a few seconds. I love how the sides are tilted in a bit so bub can't climb out, the porta cot does rest on the floor which isn't a problem, however if you were camping you would need to put something on the ground below it (such as a tarp)
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