求助 一只西施需要狗狗的捐血 急~!!!!!!!!!!...
1702 人阅读
4 人回复
Hi all ! A Shih Tzu named Noei, age 8 years old, is in need of blood donation by tomorrow otherwise the dog may go. What I heard from the owner was that the immune system attack the red blood cells and now the dog lost a lot of blood.
If any of you have a dog that is 20kg and above, and age 5-8 years old, please contact to help her dog.
If you can't help with the blood donation, please help to share around ! Thank you !
chenzisg LV15
发表于 半年前
chenzisg 发表于 24-9-2012 00:06 
恩 金毛 哈士奇这样的 我国内家的哈士奇36公斤 哈哈哈哈
aiai666666 LV0
发表于 半年前