美国著名医生与顶尖研究员的最爱!! 被称为在六大生命必!!!

2012-12-09 · 836 阅读
本帖最后由 ldactours 于 10-12-2012 00:58 编辑






早在公元前3500年,MILA Seed 就为阿兹特克(今之墨西哥)皇朝,玛雅文明及印第安强人时代的古人所知所用, 因为MILA Seed是“强”的意思;因为MILA Seed是“长跑食品”;因为MILA Seed对他们来说,就如人参之于东方人一般,都是恢复活力的营养秘方。 最近十年美国的科学家经过大量研究分析才重新发现了中南美洲印第安人的这种农作物的营养组成优越于现存的主要作物,而这种主食中获得的营养正好和现在世界粮农组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐...
...的现代人营养摄入标准一样。美国农业及营养专家希尔博士 (James Sheer)和营养健康学博士阿亚哲(Richardo Ayerza)于2001年和2005年相继出版了两本专门介绍MILA Seed的专著,揭示了它的神奇及秘密。这一发现在美国及世界各地引起了轰动,MILA Seed逐渐被全世界越来越多的人认定为超级食品 - Super Foods。

Mila seed作为一种具有保健作用的食品,能够很好的保护心脏健康 抗衰老 控制血糖 减轻体重 降压降脂 润肠通便 乳房健康 骨骼健康 产前健康 美容美体 提高身体免疫力,并且提供一日所必须的7大营养素.

心脏健康抗衰老 减肥 保持健康血压更年期身心健康乳房健康前列腺健康肠道健康骨骼健康心理健康血糖

在日常饮食中加入MILA Seeds的其他好处:

消炎:MILA Seeds具有最高含量的脂肪酸。而欧米伽-3被证实具有强效消炎功能。对缓解关节炎、衰老引起的肌肉疼痛、关节疼痛、旧伤等其他同类疼痛也具有显著作用。



心脏病:MILA Seeds被推荐用于维护心脏健康,能够改善心脏病患者的情况。

血糖:MILA Seeds能够在碳水化合物和消化酶之间形成屏障,从而降低碳水化合物转换为糖份的过程,进而降低血糖含量,平缓血糖的峰值和谷值。

皮肤病:经试验表明,MILA Seeds对于皮肤干痒、皮炎、湿疹、牛皮癣等具有良好缓解作用,能够促进皮肤伤口的愈合。

排泄系统:研究报告显示,MILA Seeds对大肠躁郁症和克罗恩肠道病等消化系统疾病具有明显的缓解改善作用。提示:患者应从小剂量进食MILA Seeds开始,最初为
一茶匙,一个月后逐步增加为2-3茶匙。MILA Seeds为高纤维食物,能够匀速地调节肠道,直至恢复正常。

消化系统:MILA Seeds不含麸质,因此对乳糜泻病非常合适,尤其是其中的高纤维能够大量减少药物的副作用。

大脑健康:MILA Seeds能够帮助提高注意力,改善抑郁症、孤独症、以及儿童注意缺陷多动障碍(即儿童多动症)症状。

精力:MILA Seeds能够帮助提升精力,减少每日的疲乏感。同时不会像咖啡因那样使人亢奋。

荷尔蒙:MILA Seeds能够调节平衡体内荷尔蒙水平,减轻女性经期前紧张症、痛经、和绝经期的痛苦。

MILA Seeds并非包治百病的药物,它是种高营养食物,帮助我们抵抗病恙,保持健康。





100多年前,著名科学家Thomas Edison 曾说过“未来的任何一位好医生将不再为病患开药,医生们宁可以天然富有高营养的食品来调养病人身体以便达到治本的高效果”。事实上他深深的相信很多美国人都觉得药物能决绝健康的所有问题,可今日你可到哈弗学校的公共卫生处去了解有关超强的奥米加3的食品与考虑把它列入我们的所有餐饮。天然有机奥米加3主要功效可改善关节疼痛,保持正常血压,降低胆固醇或更多的疗效。有一点他很难相信人类一早可在奥米加3得到那么多的益处而不一早去了解它与服食它。

MILA米娜 提升健康的强大功效!

因为富喊了OMRGA-3(欧米茄3),抗氧化剂,纤维素和很多其他的关键营养素,MILA米娜 为提高健康水平提供了多种方式。美国医学协会,WebMD(WebMD是美国最大的医疗健康服务网站),JAMA(美国医学会杂志)等专家和一些享有盛名的医学院都一致认为MILA米娜的营养物质可以为您与家人提供更好的健康!






The Lifemax Health Science Advisory Council comprises five brilliant medical and health experts dedicated to healthy living, using and sharing Mila, and supporting Lifemax:

Dr. Bob Arnot
Dr. Bob Arnot is a TV Emmy award winning medical correspondent who was a hit on CBS This Morning, the CBS Evening News, The NBC Nightly News, Dateline NBC, the Today Show; he is now a regular mainstay on the Discovery Channel as Dr. Danger. As a medical correspondent, Dr. Bob has covered groundbreaking epidemics around the world, including Ebola in Central Africa; AIDS in Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Malawi; and cholera in Bangladesh, Somalia, and Turkey.
Dr. Bob is also a bestselling author for titles on today's most pressing health issues, including his most recent, Seven Steps to Stop a Heart Attack, The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet, The Prostate Cancer Protection Plan, and the Healthy Breast Cook Book. As a wellness enthusiast and world-class fitness expert, Dr. Bob is a former Olympic physician who is now an ardent skier and Iron Man competitor. His bestselling wellness and fitness titles include Sports Selection, Dr. Bob Arnot's Revolutionary Weight Control Program, and Wear and Tear: Stop the Pain and Put the Spring Back in Your Body. Now as the Chief Executive Officer of Bob Arnot Productions, Dr. Bob Arnot produces and distributes premium online medical content across America's top-watched channels, offering breakthrough scientific insight into disease prevention, health awareness, and nutrition education.

Dr. Steven Lamm

Steven Lamm, M.D., known to millions as the house doctor on The View, is a practicing internist, a clinical researcher, and a faculty member at the New York University School of Medicine where he also had his clinical training and received his medical degree. A teacher of 30 years and an honorary New York City police and fire surgeon, Dr. Lamm regularly offers his analyses and comments on a wide variety of health- and medicine-related topics on television and radio, including Oprah, Lifetime Today, The Today Show Live, and LX New York. He has authored several books, including bestseller Thinner at Last and his latest book, The Hardness Factor.
Dr. Lamm resides in New York City where he maintains his seat at the frontier of medicine. He joins the Lifemax Health Science Advisory Council with a goal of investigating the effects of Mila on cardiovascular function. Dr. Lamm believes that 80% of illnesses can be prevented with lifestyle changes, and he continuously strives to help his patients understand the difference between illness and wellness, stating that, "The absence of illness does not mean you're well. Unless you're actively promoting your wellness with lifestyle changes, you're heading toward illness."

Dr. Brian Clement
Dr. Clement (C.N., N.M.D., Ph.D.) has spearheaded the international progressive health movement for more than three decades. By conducting daily clinical research as the director of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute, the world’s foremost complementary residential health center, he and his team have developed a state of the art program for health maintenance and recovery. His Florida institute has pioneered a program and established training in active aging and disease prevention that will raise your level of health and happiness.
In addition to daily counseling and research studies, Dr. Clement conducts conferences worldwide on attaining health and creating longevity. He has also authored many well-known books including LifeForce: Superior Health and Longevity and, most recently, Supplements Exposed.

Dr. Theresa Lawrence Ford

Theresa Lawrence Ford is The Medical Director of North Georgia Rheumatology Group and an Active Staff member at Gwinnett Medical Center Hospitals. She practices in a single specialty group in Gwinnett County, Georgia with her sister who is also a Rheumatologist. Dr. Lawrence Ford received her Medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts. She completed her residency in Internal Medicine at Emory University Hospitals, where also completed a fellowship in Rheumatology and Immunology. She is Board Certified in both Internal Medicine and Rheumatology.
She is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology, a member of the National Medical Association, the Metropolitan Atlanta Rheumatology Society’ and an active member of the Board of Directors for the Georgia Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation. She has also served as a Member of the Medical Advisory Board of the Lupus Foundation and the Lupus Registry.


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