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转让 喂奶枕头,summer swaddle me和 sleeping bag睡垫

发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Swaddle Me Baby Wrap + sleeping bag + Nursing Pillow  

All bought in Kiddy Palace in December 2012 都在kiddy palace 买的,去年12月买的

Tag: infant baby wrap sleeping bag breast feed pillow

Item one: 宝宝睡得香,非常好带,除了吃就是睡,买了这个用了月子一个月,非常划算,有什么比带一个乖孩子更重要的?
Swaddle Me Baby Wrap, 2 pc in vy good condition,UP $45.90   nowonly @ $25.00

An experienced mummy’s advice: must use a baby wrap to creata peaceful environment like a mummy’s worm, which will make your baby not cryand save our energy, the baby will be more easier to take care.  Compare my first girl and my second son, Inever use swaddle me for my first girl who cried frequently at night time, thetime I surrender and did not know what to last solution is to carry her napback and forth; in this second birth, I searched a lot and found this swaddleme to make baby sleep well, he is really very quiet, eat and then sleep ,nobody know there is a new born at my home.

Item Two: 睡垫,防止宝宝左右转身,防止跟大人同床时,大人压到小宝宝,注意,月子里的宝宝非常小非常娇嫩,偶尔跟大人同床的时候,千万不要压到他们。而且,我妈妈告诉我,月子里的小孩火焰低,最好跟大人睡一张床,比较乖和安静。
comfortable sleeping bag, used one time only ,cozfriend bought another one for us. UP$33.90 Nowonly $20.00  verycomfortable for baby in aircon room.

Item Three: 喂奶枕头,母乳妈妈必备,节省您的力气,让您的手臂不要用力太多,特别是月子里,保护好自己的双臂,以后老了不疼痛。Nursing Pillow UP$55.00 with slipcover worth$22.00 Never used coz i breast feed baby at lying on bed position Now only $40.00in total

文礼地铁站现金交易,或者想来我家看货都可以哦cash andcarry at boon lay MRT

发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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