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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. 什么是必需脂肪酸?
所谓的“脂1. 什么是必需脂肪酸?
所谓的“脂肪酸”,就是组成我们日常提及的“脂肪或油”的主要化学成分。其中,根据能否在人体体内合成,把人类无法自身合成、而必须从外界食物中摄取的脂肪酸叫做“必需脂肪酸”。Omega-3不饱和脂肪酸和Omega-6不饱和脂肪酸都属于“必需脂肪酸” 。
2. 缺了Omega-3会怎样?


(1)心脑血管病 包括高脂血症、高血压病、动脉粥样硬化、血栓形成(凝血性疾病)、心肌梗死、心律失常及心源性猝死、血栓性脑卒中。
(2)炎症及自身免疫性疾病 包括风湿性关节炎、慢性肠炎、哮喘、银屑病、红斑狼疮、多发性硬化症等。
(3)精神/神经疾患 包括抑郁症、精神分裂症、老年性大脑退化性病(老年性痴呆症)、癫痫、儿童多动症及注意力分散等。
(4)肿瘤 包括乳腺癌、结肠癌、前列腺癌、肿瘤恶病质。
(5)糖尿病 包括1型糖尿病和2型糖尿病的发病、胰岛素耐受性、继发性心脏病。
(6)肾疾患 包括免疫性肾小球肾炎、IgA(免疫性)型肾病、肾功能衰竭、肾病综合征、肾结石。
(7)肺部疾患 包括慢性阻塞性肺病、囊性纤维化、哮喘。
(8)妇产科疾病 包括痛经、绝经后骨质疏松、早产、低体重儿等。
(9)大脑发育 包括胎儿、婴幼儿大脑的正常发育,早产儿的大脑发育不全(如视觉、学习能力低下)。
(10)眼科疾患 包括视网膜退化性病、青光眼、白内障。
(11)其他 包括毒血症、偏头痛、老年性骨质疏松、皮肤病患,(如皮炎等)。

DR CHAN 特别专访:- (英文)


奇雅子属于真核域,植物界,被子植物门,双子叶植物纲,唇形目,唇形科,鼠尾草属,芡欧鼠尾草种,拉丁文为:Salvia hispanica 。属于薄荷家族。
2.阿兹特克的统治者要求部落每年进贡奇雅子,也用奇雅子来供奉Chicoine Coatl女神。
每100克奇雅子中含有45mg的维生素,其中关键B族维生素的比例更加合理:2%的维生素B-2(核黄素),13%的尼克酸,29%的硫胺素-催化代谢碳水化合物满足能源需求的维生素。 维生素B的比例,是与其含量同样重要的指标。奇雅子已发现至少含有微量的所有的维生素B族的主要成分。
奇雅子含有DHA、蛋白酶抑制剂 protease inhibitors (Pis)、绿原酸(chlorogenicacid)、咖啡酸(caffeicacid)、杨梅黄酮(myricetin)、橡黄素(quercetin)、堪非黄酮醇(kaempferol flavonols)、维生素C、维生素E、β-胡萝卜素(维生素A前体)等十余种天然抗氧化剂
- 可降低胆固醇、血糖与维持人体正常血压 (三高)
- 便秘、排毒
- 关节炎、痛风、风湿等
- 减肥、排毒
- 抗老化、淡化老年斑等
- 心脏疾病
- 保持正常体重
- 减轻更年期症状
- 骨质疏松症
- 促进肾功能
- 心理健康(如:烦躁、忧郁、自闭症等)
- 产前、产后营养的补充等
- 前列腺健康
- 促进孩童的左右脑发展平衡与学习能力
- 提高人体免疫能力与对抗炎症
- 皮肤病等问题(如:湿疹、红斑狼疮等)

Regmart (新加坡商业注册号:50787500A)
200 Jalan Sultan #10-09 Textile Centre Singapore 199018

What is the Big Deal and is it Real?

Dr. Walter Willet - Harvard

Dr. Willett is the Fredrick John Stare Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition in the Department of Nutrition and Epidemiology at Harvard's School of Public Health, a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and has been chair of the Harvard Department of Nutrition and Epidemiology since 1991.

He is also the author of 2005's Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy and 2007's Eat Drink, and Weigh Less .

"Dr. Willet indicates that you should be eating plant based Omega 3's 7 days a week and fish 2 days a week."

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Mila contains one of the highest, if not the highest, amounts of omega 3 fatty acids known in the plant world. In the 1970's and 1980's, the "fat-free" diet craze took all fats out of our diet, including the good ones. Now we know the impact that the healthy fats have on our general well-being. The alpha linolenic fatty acid (ALA) found in Mila is known as the only essential omega 3 fatty acid. This means that a person must consume this fatty acid because the body cannot manufacture it. The fatty acids in Mila are a near perfect balance, plus there is no cholesterol.


A number of studies have found that a high intake of total fiber contributes to a healthy heart and circulatory system. High-fiber diets may also modulate blood sugar levels. Since fiber is filling and has very few calories, high-fiber foods may also help with weight loss.

Antioxidants and Phytonutrients

These two components have recently been recognized as being important to human health, but are not necessary for life. Of interest is the fact that phytonutrients may act as antioxidants, but not all phytonutrients are antioxidants. Antioxidants in foods can be divided into two main groups or categories, with each having similar, as well as different, benefits in terms of human health. The two groups are Vitamins and Minerals and Phenolic Compounds.


Protein is found throughout the body in hair, nails, outer layers of skin, muscle tissue, the inner structure of bones, and red blood cells. Protein is used by the body to perform many functions in the body including building and repairing body tissues, hormone production and carrying nutrients throughout the body. Mila is a great source of protein and contains both
essential and non-essential amino acids.

Is Mila unique or just like any other Chia Seed Product?

To answer that question you have to understand that the nutritional components of Mila come from various altitudes and regions in Mexico. Mila is a blend of Chia Seeds from these altitudes and regions. Some regions produce chia seeds with high Omega 3's, some high in fiber, some high in antioxidants. Mila is a proprietary blend of chia seeds. These seeds are grown to exact specifications, and are carefully selected for nutritional value. The mixture is mechanically processed using a proprietary system that optimizes bioavailability, enhancing its nutritional efficacy.

Mila is gluten-free, trans-fat free, sugar-free, high in fiber and protein, and can be deliciously combined with many foods. Loaded with omega-3s, fiber, antioxidants, protein and phytonutrients, Mila is great for your heart, bone, prostate, breast, and gastro-intestinal support. With its supreme biological properties, Mila is a plant based Omega 3 product for weight management, but it is also widely consumed for anti-aging, prenatal care, and mental health. Mila is manufactured as a high grade blend of chia seeds and that's what makes it unique. I put this to the test over a 6 month period with several manufactures of Chia Seeds. The results were astounding! Mila lives up to its name and you most certainly get what you pay for. I got what I payed for with most brands of Chia Seeds having bugs and weeds in each bag. The shelf life was limited.


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