本帖最后由 vickylyy19 于 14-1-2020 19:13 编辑
本人留学美国10年,在美国完成本科和硕士学历。有超10年补习A level GP/ Economics / IB Economics 及O 水准英语经验,对新加坡政府学校和国际学校两种考试制度和考试要求了如指掌。经我辅导的学生大部分都考出好成绩。 专长补习:A level GP / Economics / IB Economics / O level English SMS or CALL Ms Vicky: Are you still struggling with A level or O level test? You can't improve your English significantly in a short period of time even after you have been learning English for long time? I have completed my bachelor degree and master degree from the USA,and I'm a full-time tutor with many years of tutorial experiences. I'm very patient and approachable to my students. I can help you to make plans so you can achieve your goals. Let's spend a little time together, we will definitely make progress! Contact Ms Vicky now at |