本帖最后由 oahcchao 于 13-3-2014 13:00 编辑
Medela Pump In Style Advanced (PISA) Breast Pump (US, Tote Bag). Used for 8 months. Excellent working Condition. All parts cleansed and sterilised.
Condition: 8.5/10
Price: SGD 480 (negotiable)
Location: Seng Kang or Jurong East area, Can deliver to MRT station.
Parts include:
- Breast Pump
- US and local Power Adapters
- Microfiber Tote Bag
- Cooler Pack
- 4 x Medela BPA free milk bottle
- Double Pumping Kits with breastshields, includes connectors, valves, membranes and tubing
- Instruction Manual
Free: One box of Breast Pads, extra breastshield and valve.
Medela PISA 吸奶器, 使用8个月. 工作状况良好. 全部零部件已经清洗并消毒.
状况: 8.5/10
价钱: 480 (可商议)
位置: Seng Kang或 Jurong East地区,可送到地铁站.
- 吸奶器
- 美国和新加坡电源接口
- Tote包, 方便携带吸奶器
- 制冷块,能保持12小时制冷
- 4 个原装Medela 奶瓶
- 两个吸奶泵
- 全套说明书
附赠: 一盒乳垫, 一个Breastshield 以及配套valve.
Medela Mini Electric Single Breast Pump, made in Swiss. used only a few times, almost Brand New.
Condition: 9.5/10
Price: SGD70 (Negotiable)
几乎全新Medela小型电动吸乳器. 瑞士原装进口. 使用过两次, 收到Medela PISA后一直闲置. 全部清洗并消毒.
状况: 9.5/10
价钱: 70 (可商议)
Brand New Vertex Mineral Water Pot. 8 Steps Filteration. Now let go at SGD 15.
Condition: 10/10
Price: SGD15 (Negotiable)
全新未拆封Vertex自来水过滤壶. 8步过滤.
状况: 10/10
价钱: 15 (可商议)