家园有: 2人房 1人房 4人房 专为学生入住专业管理 在优质家园里,我们提供以下服务:(In Premium Homestay, we provide the following services )
机场接送机 airportreceiving and sending off
协助申请学生证 assisting in student pass application
指导教育事务 providing academic advice
介绍新加坡的法律和文化事务 recommending legal firm to seek legal advice
膳食和房间打扫服务 food and tidying up services
洗衣,烫衣服务 washing laundry and ironing services
日常学习时间的监督 (周一至周五 7.30- 9.00)都有老师提供免费辅导和温习coaching students on school work
定期主办教育活动 bi-weekly excursions
24 小时医疗接送服务 sending students to seek medical help
监护人定期与学校沟通 guardian will communicate regularly withschool to monitor the students’ progress
有经验丰富的老师提供一对一补习(所有科目)One to one tuition( All subjects )
为学生家长申请社交访问准证(VISA)Apply VISA for students and parents
车载接送服务(父母)Airport pickup for students’ parents