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Euterpe music school 即兴伴奏课程,著名音乐作曲家苏恒老师...

发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Euterpe music school 现开设即兴伴奏组课课程(一个班最多6个学生,每人一台钢琴),时间在每个拜六的下午4:00pm, 有兴趣者请赶快报名,名额有限。
1 教会学生如何给旋律配伴奏,学会各种伴奏音型,只要记住音乐的旋律,就可以自己自如的编配左手的伴奏,完全不需要乐谱就会弹钢琴。
2 学生可以在钢琴上自弹自唱喜欢的歌曲,就像舞台上那些明星一样,可以在钢琴上自如表现自己的情感。
3 这个课程还能充分发挥学生的听觉能力,我们都知道学习音乐,音乐听觉能力是关键,很多按照传统钢琴学习的学生,只会照谱弹,音乐“耳朵” 没有得到充分的训练,自己在家弹错也听不出来,一定要依赖老师才可以发现错误。即兴伴奏课程需要学生充分利用耳朵去学习音乐,学习一段时间后大多都能具备专业的音乐“耳朵”。



20 Jurong West Street 93 #02-05, Jurong WestSports & Recreation CTR, Singapore (648965)

Tel:   Winnie

发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
(No prerequisites)

Ever envied the way guitarists can seemingly just pick up their instruments and proceed to strum and sing any tune under the sun?  Well, pianists can do that too, short of picking up their instrument, of course.  Learn to provide an effective accompaniment to your own singing or any solo voice or instrument using nothing more than a chord chart.

Music for classes will mainly be contemporary and chosen taking into account student interest and aptitude.  In a typical group session, 3 songs will be targeted and each student will alternate between providing the accompaniment and joining the rest of the class in mass singing.  So, come prepared for enjoyable learning and productive fun - these are not just piano lessons, they're also karaoke sessions with live accompaniment!

YEAR 1 SYLLABUS (4 terms of 12 lessons each)


Chords:  C major – 2 primary triads and dominant 7th (I, IV, V7)
G major – 2 primary triads and dominant 7th (I, IV, V7)
Block chord patterns with crotchets and minims in 4/4 and 3/4 time
Rhythmic movement in the bass


Chords:  C major – Secondary triads (ii, iii, vi)
         F major – 2 primary triads and dominant 7th (I, IV, V7)
         C major – Dominant triad and secondary dominant 7th (V, V7 of V)
Addition of quavers to block chord patterns in 4/4 and 3/4 time
Broken chord patterns in 4/4 and 3/4 time


Chords:  C major – Inversions requiring no change in chord voicing (Ic, IVc, iib, V7c)
G major – Secondary triads (ii, iii, vi)
C and G major – Secondary dominant 7th (V7 of IV)
Patterns in 6/8 and 12/8 time
Patterns with swinging quavers in 4/4 and 3/4 time
Patterns with alternating bass


Chords:  G major – Inversions requiring no change in chord voicing (Ic, IVc, iib, V7c)
F major – Secondary triads (ii, iii, vi)
         F major – Inversions requiring no change in chord voicing (Ic, IVc, iib, V7c)
         F major – Dominant triad and secondary dominant 7th (V, V7 of V)
Syncopated patterns in 4/4 and 3/4 time
Syncopated patterns with swinging quavers in 4/4 and 3/4 time
Passing notes in the bass line

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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
(For pianists who have attained a practical standard at least comparable to ABRSM Grade 5)

Tired of having to read huge chunks of notes from a grand staff and put in many hours of practice before being able to play the piece you like?  Ever wanted to recreate a pretty tune you heard but could never find the sheet music for it?  Learn to improvise complete piano arrangements of well-known contemporary songs from bare melodies and chords.

This course will be customised to the needs of each group, and learner proficiency as well as preference will be important considerations in the selection of music.  2 or 3 songs will dominate each session and every pianist will have the opportunity to play duets with his/her classmates, tackling the melody and accompaniment in turn before finally performing the piece solo.  In this way, the course aims not only to train independent pianists but also communal musicians, sensitive and responsive to the cues and goals of fellow music makers.

YEAR 1 SYLLABUS (4 terms of 12 lessons each)


Chords:  C major – 2 primary triads and dominant 7th (I, IV, V7)
G major – 2 primary triads and dominant 7th (I, IV, V7)
Left hand block chord patterns with crotchets and minims in 4/4 and 3/4 time
Single-note melodies in the right hand


Chords:  C major – Secondary triads (ii, iii, vi)
F major – 2 primary triads and dominant 7th (I, IV, V7)
C major – Dominant triad and secondary dominant 7th (V, V7 of V)
Addition of quavers to block chord patterns in 4/4 and 3/4 time
Left hand broken chord patterns in 4/4 and 3/4 time
Right hand melodies in octaves


Chords:  C major – Inversions requiring no change in chord voicing (Ic, IVc, iib, V7c)
G major – Secondary triads (ii, iii, vi)
C and G major – Secondary dominant 7th (V7 of IV)
Patterns in 6/8 and 12/8 time
Patterns with swinging quavers in 4/4 and 3/4 time
Patterns with alternating bass
Adding 3rds and 6ths to the melody in the right hand


Chords:  G major – Inversions requiring no change in chord voicing (Ic, IVc, iib, V7c)
F major – Secondary triads (ii, iii, vi)
F major – Inversions requiring no change in chord voicing (Ic, IVc, iib, V7c)
F major – Dominant triad and secondary dominant 7th (V, V7 of V)
Syncopated patterns in 4/4 and 3/4 time
Syncopated patterns with swinging quavers in 4/4 and 3/4 time
Playing full chords with the melody in the right hand
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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
So Heng: Works include theme songs for television serials, jingles and music for stage productions of drama and dance.  He has written and arranged songs for singers around the region, producing some of their albums.  Also, he has produced orchestrations commissioned by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra.

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发表于 半年前|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

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