个人简介: 粟旭,男,现新加坡国立大学大四学生,生物医疗工程系。曾在法国精英培训计划和A-STAR国家实验计划。
曾就读于维多利亚初级学院(Victoria Junior College),“A”水准考试曾获得五个A的好成绩。主要特长在于小初高中高级华文,数学,科学。
曾教过的学生大部分都取得了明显的进步,并受到了家长的一致好评。除专业课内辅导,主要以激发学生强烈学习和探索兴趣为主, 主动寻求答案
有需要家教的学生,可发短信/电话与我联系, 并进行具体安排。
Personal Information:
Hello! I am Su Xu, currently anundergraduate majoring Biomedical Engineering at National University of Singapore. I am alsoa Junior Mentor registeredand approved by French Double Degree Program and A-STARResearch Program。Almost all my previous tutees made considerableimprovement on their study methods and critical thinking skills, whichwere in turn shown as better performances for their exams. I will customise study plan base on my assessmentand make adjustments to it whenever necessary. I focus more on teachingthe studentsmethods than teaching them to memorise past year papers because I believe theessence of teaching is for them to internalise the thinking skills.
I am better trained in teaching mathematics, Biology, Chinese, science.
Anyone interested are welcomed to contact me to have further discussions. HP:
General Guidelines for Tuition fee (per hour per subject)
For Primary/ Secondary school students on Sciences andMaths: S$30~40/hr
Students who wish to be offered lessons on more than two subjectssimultaneously will have discounts accordingly. I have travelling around the world and cultural exchanged, so I can teach your children more just on study, but like global view and individual career planing.
Thank you for reading . Contact HP