回答|共 23 个

红色企鹅 LV15

发表于 17-8-2004 19:19:50 | 显示全部楼层

i am here to learn as well. Be each other's mirror lah..[em04][em04]

猫猫抱抱我 LV8

发表于 17-8-2004 20:57:55 | 显示全部楼层

well...penguin is a humble gal....so exciting...

红色企鹅 LV15

发表于 18-8-2004 10:05:49 | 显示全部楼层

what do u mean by "humble"? Dun like this word

天边的云 LV6

发表于 20-8-2004 18:12:49 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>猫猫抱抱我</I>在2004-8-17 19:02:49的发言:</B>
en...good idea....pls be my mirror....i will learn from you</DIV>


红色企鹅 LV15

发表于 20-8-2004 19:50:46 | 显示全部楼层


hello_babe LV7

发表于 20-8-2004 22:00:09 | 显示全部楼层

you can write...he is lousy, he sucks, he is stupid...

猫猫抱抱我 LV8

发表于 21-8-2004 04:05:12 | 显示全部楼层

haha...we all know but we just refuse to teach the gal bad...

深邃与甜蜜 LV5

发表于 24-8-2004 19:32:57 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>猫猫抱抱我</I>在2004-8-21 4:05:12的发言:</B>
haha...we all know but we just refuse to teach the gal bad...</DIV>
<P>Bad girls are bad, not becoz you have taught them...
<P>Good girls are eventually good, although you try to teach them bad...</P>

猫猫抱抱我 LV8

发表于 25-8-2004 02:06:00 | 显示全部楼层

well well...my dear lecture.....i have learnt enough from my lessons..forgive me la...

深邃与甜蜜 LV5

发表于 25-8-2004 17:09:18 | 显示全部楼层

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