发表于 18-8-2004 04:32:49|来自:新加坡
<TABLE fixed; WORD-BREAK: break-all" width="90%" border=0><TR><TD 9pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt" width="100%"><img src="https://www.sgchinese.com/bbs/Skins/ziyuan8_com_2/topicface/face1.gif"> <B>[原创]world shaker & history maker</B>
<P>[原创]world shaker & history maker</P><P>be ur side ,be ur girl</P><P>I could never live without ur love,,</P><P>I will take you up to heaven, all the precious things will be displayed.</P><P>two hearts beating just like one,</P><P>agaisnt the world..</P><P> --- NOV22,2002---</P></TD></TR></TABLE> |