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Physical Attraction

发表于 13-8-2004 18:08:14|来自: | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P><b><FONT color=#f73809 size=5>abosolutely based on looks..</FONT></b></P>
<P><FONT color=#aa22aa size=3>i thought i was a smart gals,just as smart as i thought i would be.but in the end,i heard that Physical Attraction,abosolutely based on looks and guys are always being jerks..</FONT> </P>[em14][em14][em14][em14][em14][em14][em14][em14][em14][em14][em14][em14][em14]
发表于 14-8-2004 01:51:21|来自: | 显示全部楼层
dun say fact..a guy will like a gal for her face...but if he love her...she must have a good character...
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发表于 15-8-2004 15:21:19|来自: | 显示全部楼层
<P><FONT face=宋体 size=3>Looking pretty will significantly raise your opportunity of being recognized by guys. But, physical attraction is NOT absolutely based on looks, as a girl not looking good can be very attractive to a guy when she is nude. </FONT>
<P><FONT face=宋体 size=3></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体 size=3></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体 size=3>In addition, physical attraction is not the thing will keep two together for ever. They say:
it takes a minute to find a special person,
an hour to appreciate them,
a day to love them,
but then an entire life to forget them.</FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-15 15:24:44编辑过]
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发表于 15-8-2004 16:07:45|来自: | 显示全部楼层
<P>haha... will you love a gal with devil's figure and devil's face?hehe...yes..if she is naked..i think she would have some attraction to someone...not for me..hehe..some guys say, you can cover her face with a cloth bag when you are doing some special things...hehe...i consider they all are lady-killers...</P>
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发表于 16-8-2004 10:05:22|来自: | 显示全部楼层
Pretty faces are the keys
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发表于 16-8-2004 23:31:38|来自: | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>猫猫抱抱我</I>在2004-8-15 16:07:45的发言:</B>

<P>haha... will you love a gal with devil's figure and devil's face?hehe...yes..if she is naked..i think she would have some attraction to someone...not for me..hehe..some guys say, you can cover her face with a cloth bag when you are doing some special things...hehe...i consider they all are lady-killers...</P></DIV>
<P>Is devil's figure "<FONT face=宋体>魔鬼身材</FONT>" in Chinese?  Beauty standard is different in each's eyes. Looking good is lucky as can be easily loved by others. But a gal can always have some qualities to be appreciated by others.   <p></p></P>
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发表于 17-8-2004 09:36:14|来自: | 显示全部楼层
of need to be appreciated...she is the gift for men, which was made by god. so how to appreciate a gal, luv her and give her warm is a very hard course in a man's life.
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发表于 17-8-2004 19:46:11|来自: | 显示全部楼层
hee...i enjoy ppl debating always..[em01][em01]
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发表于 18-8-2004 14:15:23|来自: | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>laixch</I>在2004-8-18 9:41:46的发言:</B>

It will be better to be not just a looker-on. You can make some contribution to it by proposing your strong arguments here. ^-^</DIV>
<P>no lah, as i found it is men's talk leh..</P>[em04][em04]
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发表于 18-8-2004 09:41:46|来自: | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>红色企鹅</I>在2004-8-17 19:46:11的发言:</B>
hee...i enjoy ppl debating always..[em01][em01]</DIV>

It will be better to be not just a looker-on. You can make some contribution to it by proposing your strong arguments here. ^-^
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