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楼主: togoldman

NUS/NTU 申请研究生答疑

发表于 6-7-2005 08:58:35|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>楼主,我豁出去拉,私立学校part time的专升本,哪所学校比较好一点啊?(<b>NUS/NTU  比较感冒一点的)</b></P><P><b>大概要读多久啊?学费贵吗?(我现在工资不高啊)?</b></P><P><b>拜托拉~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``</b></P>
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发表于 6-9-2005 09:59:37|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>关于poly的录取条件我不是太清楚. 不过既然你表弟已经大专毕业,我想应该是可以申请的.</P><P>Poly每年在中国都举行入学考试和面试,你可以了解相关的情况.</P><P>或者直接联系学校确认是否你表弟可以申请</P>
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发表于 5-9-2005 09:58:18|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>al76: 可打工,但是要向学校提出申请. 大部分by course在假期打工,因为平常的课业还是比较重的.</P><P>Cillinda: 雅思可以用来申请.</P><P>dove79: 成功希望不同专业不一样,应该说有机会.但是我对心理学的申请的确不是太清楚</P>
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发表于 5-9-2005 21:52:14|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>请问楼主:</P><P>             我有一表弟初中毕业后上了技校,毕业后自考哈工大的计算机大专,如果像他这种情况,从你前面的分析他若想读新加坡的政府本科基本是没戏的。如果可以,他是否有希望读个公立的poly 专科?可是我从新加坡的几所poly网站上看到,它们录取的条件是国内高中毕业才可以申请,那么,像我表弟这种情况是否在可以申请的范围内呢?</P><P>烦劳楼主指点,本人不胜感激。</P>
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发表于 3-9-2005 22:49:04|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<b><FONT color=#000066>请问togoldman如果我过去读by course的话白天可以打工么,因为我看by course的都是晚上上课的,白天时间也想好好利用,减轻家里负担啊:)</FONT></b>
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发表于 4-9-2005 17:05:43|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
用雅思成绩可以申请NTU的研究生吗?BY COURSEWORK的
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发表于 4-9-2005 17:29:55|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 4-9-2005 17:46:40|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2-9-2005 21:36:19|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

请问一下申请master by course的问题

<P>1) 本科背景一般 (学校不是名牌,成绩算优秀),毕业后上海工作两年,新加坡工作了一年多,都是国际大公司,偏IT的engineer, (现人在新加坡)年薪五万不到一点, 请问申请 nus master by course 机会大不大?</P>
<P >1.          <U>Application Form(with 2 passport-size photographs attached)<p></p></U></P>
<P ><B >Two sets of supporting documents</B> should be attached to Copy 1 and 2 of the application form and be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee of <B ><U>S$30.00 or US$20.00</U> </B>(inclusive of GST). <B >Any omission of information required in the application forms or supporting document(s) will render the application void. <U>Certified true copies</U> of English translation</B> of the document(s) must accompany any document(s) not in English. <p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >(a)     <U>Graduation Certificate of Postgraduate Degree (if any) / Bachelor’s Degree / its equivalent (English Translation)</U><p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >(b)     <U>Official Transcripts of Bachelor’s Degree (English Translation)</U><p></p></P>
<P >Candidates are responsible to request for <B ><U>*Official transcripts</U></B> from each university/institution attended. The attached Transcript Request Form can be used for this purpose. Candidates who have attended more than one university/institution should make photocopies of the attached Transcript Request Form as required.<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P ><B ><I ><U>Note:</U></I></B>      For non-NUS graduates, the official transcripts must be sent to the <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:PlaceType w:st="on">School</st1:PlaceType> of <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Design</st1:PlaceName></st1:place> and Environment <B ><U>directly</U></B> from the universities/institutions by <st1:date w:st="on" Year="2005" Day="30" Month="9"><U>30 Sept 2005</U></st1:date>.<p></p></P>
<P >                NUS graduates should submit original/certified true copies of their official transcripts or examination result slips. To apply for transcripts, candidates can make their request personally at the Registrar’s Office or <a href="" target="_blank" ></A> for details.<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >(c)     <U>TOEFL / GMAT / GRE Scores</U><p></p></P>
<P >Applicants whose native tongue or medium of undergraduate instruction is not English <B ><U>must</U></B> submit documentary evidence of their TOEFL scores. Applicants may also submit GRE and GMAT scores. Though not compulsory, it could be advantageous. The <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:PlaceType w:st="on">School</st1:PlaceType> of <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Design</st1:PlaceName></st1:place> and Environment code is 9080.<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >(d)     <U>Referee’s Report Forms</U><p></p></P>
<P >Recommendations from 2 academic (preferably) referees are to be submitted by using the attached Referee Report Forms.<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >(e)     <U>Other Supporting Documents</U><p></p></P>
<P >Birth certificate, citizenship certificate, deed poll or baptism certificate, NRIC (Singapore Pink/Blue), documentary proof of permanent resident status, passport, re-entry permit, employment pass, work permit (provide Foreign Identification Number (FIN)/Unique Identification Number (UIN)(if any)), scholarships, prizes or awards certificates, professional membership certificates. Applicants must produce <B ><U>originals</U></B> of all documents when requested or upon matriculation of the course (if successful).<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >2.      Applicants for <B >full-time</B> programmes must submit <B >documentary evidence of financial support</B> e.g. bank statement, documentary evidence of scholarship or other award obtained.<p></p></P>
<P>对不起, 有些长。</P>
<P>请问:1. item 1中的<b>Two sets of supporting documents 是指下面的所有材料都要准备两份吗? 包括 referee's report 和原来学校开的 official transcripts?</b></P>
<P><b>2. 毕业证和学位证是要公证对吗, 公证以后交复印件给nus可以吗?</b></P>
<P><b>3. Other supporting documents里面哪些是必须的阿,passport, EP都很好解决, 出生证明开启来很麻烦, 如果要公证什么的话。 </b></P>
<P><U></U> </P>
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发表于 2-9-2005 21:42:51|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P>对不起,发得格式不对, 重新发一次,多谢。</P>
<P>1) 本科背景一般 (学校不是名牌,成绩算优秀),毕业后上海工作两年,新加坡工作了一年多,都是国际大公司,偏IT的engineer, (现人在新加坡)年薪五万不到一点, 请问申请 nus master by course 机会大不大?</P>
<P>1.          Application Form(with 2 passport-size photographs attached)</P>
<P>Two sets of supporting documents should be attached to Copy 1 and 2 of the application form and be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee of S$30.00 or US$20.00 (inclusive of GST). Any omission of information required in the application forms or supporting document(s) will render the application void. Certified true copies of English translation of the document(s) must accompany any document(s) not in English. </P>
<P>(a)     Graduation Certificate of Postgraduate Degree (if any) / Bachelor’s Degree / its equivalent (English Translation)</P>
<P>(b)     Official Transcripts of Bachelor’s Degree (English Translation)</P>
<P>Candidates are responsible to request for *Official transcripts from each university/institution attended. The attached Transcript Request Form can be used for this purpose. Candidates who have attended more than one university/institution should make photocopies of the attached Transcript Request Form as required.</P>
<P>Note:      For non-NUS graduates, the official transcripts must be sent to the School of Design and Environment directly from the universities/institutions by 30 Sept 2005.</P>
<P>                NUS graduates should submit original/certified true copies of their official transcripts or examination result slips. To apply for transcripts, candidates can make their request personally at the Registrar’s Office or <a href="" target="_blank" ></A> for details.</P>
<P>(c)     TOEFL / GMAT / GRE Scores</P>
<P>Applicants whose native tongue or medium of undergraduate instruction is not English must submit documentary evidence of their TOEFL scores. Applicants may also submit GRE and GMAT scores. Though not compulsory, it could be advantageous. The School of Design and Environment code is 9080.</P>
<P>(d)     Referee’s Report Forms</P>
<P>Recommendations from 2 academic (preferably) referees are to be submitted by using the attached Referee Report Forms.</P>
<P>(e)     Other Supporting Documents</P>
<P>Birth certificate, citizenship certificate, deed poll or baptism certificate, NRIC (Singapore Pink/Blue), documentary proof of permanent resident status, passport, re-entry permit, employment pass, work permit (provide Foreign Identification Number (FIN)/Unique Identification Number (UIN)(if any)), scholarships, prizes or awards certificates, professional membership certificates. Applicants must produce originals of all documents when requested or upon matriculation of the course (if successful).</P>
<P>2.      Applicants for full-time programmes must submit documentary evidence of financial support e.g. bank statement, documentary evidence of scholarship or other award obtained.</P>
<P>对不起, 有些长。</P>
<P>请问:1. item 1中的Two sets of supporting documents 是指下面的所有材料都要准备两份吗? 包括 referee's report 和原来学校开的 official transcripts?</P>
<P>2. 毕业证和学位证是要公证对吗, 公证以后交复印件给nus可以吗?</P>
<P>3. Other supporting documents里面哪些是必须的阿,passport, EP都很好解决, 出生证明开启来很麻烦, 如果要公证什么的话。 </P>
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