发表于 2-9-2005 21:36:19|来自:新加坡
请问一下申请master by course的问题
<P>1) 本科背景一般 (学校不是名牌,成绩算优秀),毕业后上海工作两年,新加坡工作了一年多,都是国际大公司,偏IT的engineer, (现人在新加坡)年薪五万不到一点, 请问申请 nus master by course 机会大不大?</P>
<P >1. <U>Application Form(with 2 passport-size photographs attached)<p></p></U></P>
<P ><B >Two sets of supporting documents</B> should be attached to Copy 1 and 2 of the application form and be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee of <B ><U>S$30.00 or US$20.00</U> </B>(inclusive of GST). <B >Any omission of information required in the application forms or supporting document(s) will render the application void. <U>Certified true copies</U> of English translation</B> of the document(s) must accompany any document(s) not in English. <p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >(a) <U>Graduation Certificate of Postgraduate Degree (if any) / Bachelor’s Degree / its equivalent (English Translation)</U><p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >(b) <U>Official Transcripts of Bachelor’s Degree (English Translation)</U><p></p></P>
<P >Candidates are responsible to request for <B ><U>*Official transcripts</U></B> from each university/institution attended. The attached Transcript Request Form can be used for this purpose. Candidates who have attended more than one university/institution should make photocopies of the attached Transcript Request Form as required.<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P ><B ><I ><U>Note:</U></I></B> For non-NUS graduates, the official transcripts must be sent to the <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:PlaceType w:st="on">School</st1:PlaceType> of <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Design</st1:PlaceName></st1:place> and Environment <B ><U>directly</U></B> from the universities/institutions by <st1:date w:st="on" Year="2005" Day="30" Month="9"><U>30 Sept 2005</U></st1:date>.<p></p></P>
<P > NUS graduates should submit original/certified true copies of their official transcripts or examination result slips. To apply for transcripts, candidates can make their request personally at the Registrar’s Office or <a href="http://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/info/transcript.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/info/transcript.htm</A> for details.<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >(c) <U>TOEFL / GMAT / GRE Scores</U><p></p></P>
<P >Applicants whose native tongue or medium of undergraduate instruction is not English <B ><U>must</U></B> submit documentary evidence of their TOEFL scores. Applicants may also submit GRE and GMAT scores. Though not compulsory, it could be advantageous. The <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:PlaceType w:st="on">School</st1:PlaceType> of <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Design</st1:PlaceName></st1:place> and Environment code is 9080.<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >(d) <U>Referee’s Report Forms</U><p></p></P>
<P >Recommendations from 2 academic (preferably) referees are to be submitted by using the attached Referee Report Forms.<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >(e) <U>Other Supporting Documents</U><p></p></P>
<P >Birth certificate, citizenship certificate, deed poll or baptism certificate, NRIC (Singapore Pink/Blue), documentary proof of permanent resident status, passport, re-entry permit, employment pass, work permit (provide Foreign Identification Number (FIN)/Unique Identification Number (UIN)(if any)), scholarships, prizes or awards certificates, professional membership certificates. Applicants must produce <B ><U>originals</U></B> of all documents when requested or upon matriculation of the course (if successful).<p></p></P>
<P ><p> </p></P>
<P >2. Applicants for <B >full-time</B> programmes must submit <B >documentary evidence of financial support</B> e.g. bank statement, documentary evidence of scholarship or other award obtained.<p></p></P>
<P>对不起, 有些长。</P>
<P>请问:1. item 1中的<b>Two sets of supporting documents 是指下面的所有材料都要准备两份吗? 包括 referee's report 和原来学校开的 official transcripts?</b></P>
<P><b>2. 毕业证和学位证是要公证对吗, 公证以后交复印件给nus可以吗?</b></P>
<P><b>3. Other supporting documents里面哪些是必须的阿,passport, EP都很好解决, 出生证明开启来很麻烦, 如果要公证什么的话。 </b></P>
<P><U></U> </P> |