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【转帖】TOEFL 背景知识

发表于 10-3-2005 11:18:55|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P 0in 0in 0pt"><B normal"><FONT size=2>石化林的一点背景知识</FONT></B></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><B normal"></B>
<FONT size=2>  石化林存在于美国亚利桑那州的彩绘沙漠内,是广泛散布的石化木和石化树的集聚地。来自火山灰的氧化硅溶于水并且渗入树木中,变成晶体,此时石化木便形成了。人们现在所见到的石化木的鲜艳色彩是由其他矿物质所添加而形成的。   <p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>  有些石化木看上去仿佛曾被斧子砍断以用作木柴,但它们可能是因地震断裂而形成的。玛瑙桥(玛瑙是一种半宝石)是跨越在一条12米宽的溪流上方的单根石化木。它在跨度上没有支撑,但两端埋在砂岩中。 <p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>  宝石收藏者过去曾对石化林造成极大的破坏,如今石化木已受法律的保护,无人能再取走哪一片石头。 <p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>  土著美洲人有一个解释石化林如何产生的故事。一位女神为生火做饭集木头,但木头很湿不能燃烧。女神很生气,便对一些木头施以恶咒语,把这们变成了石头,不能再为任何人所使用。</FONT><FONT size=2> </FONT></P>
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发表于 10-3-2005 11:20:49|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P 0in 0in 0pt"><B normal"><FONT size=2>芭蕾</FONT></B></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><B normal"><FONT size=2></FONT></B>
<FONT size=2>初识芭蕾 <p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>芭蕾(Ballet)一词,源自意大利文Ballare,意思就是跳舞,专指<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>足尖舞<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>,是欧洲古典舞蹈的一种形式。在其发展过程中,因常以这种舞蹈来叙述表演故事,而逐渐形成了一种特殊的演出形式。1772年,查理<FONT face="Times New Roman">·</FONT>狄德罗(Charles Didelot)在法国大百科全书中说:<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>芭蕾系用跳舞解释行动<FONT face="Times New Roman">……</FONT>特别要求剧场性的赏心悦目<FONT face="Times New Roman">……”</FONT>。帕鲁金尼(Perugini)更详细地叙述说:<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>芭蕾是由一位编导,运用连带哑剧的一系列独舞和群众,附加音乐和布景,去表现一种诗情画意,或一连串概念,或一个故事化的情节。<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>芭蕾这种舞蹈形式一直发展到今天,形成了完整的舞剧艺术。<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>对于中国观众来说,芭蕾并不陌生,尤其近些年来,芭蕾受到了越来越多的观注,一股<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>芭蕾热<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>已经在几座大城市悄然兴起。1997年的<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>中国歌剧舞剧年<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>可以说是热闹非凡,各个中外演出团体为广大观众献上了一台又一台精彩的演出,真是<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>你方唱罢我登场<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>。从通俗的《天鹅湖》到浪漫的《吉赛尔》,从<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>拉丁味<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>的《堂<FONT face="Times New Roman">·</FONT>吉诃德》到充满海南民族气息的《红色娘子军》,一年四季真是月月好戏连台,而且其中不乏经典之作。<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>芭蕾溯源<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>芭蕾艺术孕育在意大利,诞生在十七世纪后期路易十四的法国宫廷,十八世纪在法国日臻完美,到十九世纪末期,在俄罗斯进入最繁荣的时期。芭蕾在近四百年的长期历史发展过程中,对世界各国影响很大,流传极广,至今已成为世界各国都努力发展的一种艺术形式了。<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>芭蕾的历史,最早的起始可追溯自欧洲文洲文艺复兴鼎盛时期的意大利宫廷,及法国南部的贝根弟地方的宫廷里。每当结婚喜庆,接见外国元首,或其他大庆典,即表演这种舞蹈以示祝或助兴。芭蕾发展史上第一部比较完整的芭蕾舞剧<FONT face="Times New Roman">——</FONT>《皇后喜剧芭蕾》上演于1581年,当洛蕾娜(Lorraine)的玛格丽特小姐和凡尔赛(Versaills)的姚幼斯公爵结婚之时,这场芭蕾舞的音乐乐谱迄今仍保存,可算是最古老的芭蕾音乐。<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>芭蕾至路易十四皇朝(1643<FONT face="Times New Roman">—</FONT>1715)时代而臻极盛,路易十四本人是一位卓绝的舞蹈家,且喜爱芭蕾表演。1661年,路易十四创立了历史上第一所舞蹈学校<FONT face="Times New Roman">——</FONT>法国皇家舞蹈学院,专门教授舞艺。这所学校现在属于巴黎歌剧院。而沿用至今的手脚的五个位置和一些优美的芭蕾舞姿则是1700年在这里得到固定的。在皇家舞艺大师博尚(Beauchamp)和音乐家贝弗(Cambefort)及吕利(Lully)的大力提倡下,法国芭蕾舞在文化和音乐上的重要性大增。于是芭蕾变成了许多新的宫廷舞的来源;诸如:加沃特舞曲(Gavotte)、巴斯皮耶舞曲(Passepied)、布雷舞曲(Boree)、里戈东舞曲(Rigaudon)等。在这些舞曲之中,最重要的要算小步舞曲(Minuet),吕利于1653年,开始参加法国宫廷的芭蕾活动,而达到高潮。他当时正与莫利哀(Moliere)合力制作戏剧和芭蕾混成的所谓芭蕾喜剧(Comedie Ballet)。1760年发表的《小绅士》(Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme),可算是这类舞剧最著名的代表作。吕利又把芭蕾应用于他所作的歌剧中,他的两位后继者康普拉(Campra)和拉莫(Rameau)也如法炮制。尤其是拉莫的作品,因夹杂有墨西哥、健康和中国等的外国情调而更富风趣。这当然和他的个性与背景有关。英国方面又创造一种特殊的芭蕾,名之曰<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>假面舞<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>(Masque)。到了17世纪后半期,维也纳已成为芭蕾演出的中心。然而当时欧洲芭蕾舞正处在<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>传统<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>与<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>革新<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>的争论,<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>严格<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>与<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>抒情<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>间的争论,<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>纯粹舞艺<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>与<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>标题舞艺<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>的争论,以及<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>芭蕾<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>与<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>近代舞<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>间的争论中。这些观念在20世纪的今天,多多少少还有它的余波,时而争论不休。<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>从1789年开始,出现了《关不住的女儿》等一批早期(又称前浪漫时期)芭蕾舞剧的代表作。而到了19世纪,先后在巴黎出现了<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>浪漫芭蕾<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>这个芭蕾史上的黄金时代,推出了以《仙女》(1832)、《吉赛尔》(1841)和《葛蓓莉娅》(1870)为代表的传世之作,然后在俄国进入<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>古典芭蕾<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>这个整部芭蕾史上的鼎盛时期,留下了以《睡美人》(1890)、《胡桃夹子》(1892)和《天鹅湖》(1895)这<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>三大舞剧<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>为首的一大批经典剧目,从而促使人们形成了<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>舞剧乃舞蹈的最高形式<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>的观念。这种观念直到20世纪先后诞生出<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>现代芭蕾<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>和<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>当代芭蕾<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>之后,尤其是舞蹈开始走出<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>非舞蹈<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>的误区,竭力回归动作本体,以美籍俄国芭蕾大师乔治<FONT face="Times New Roman">·</FONT>巴兰钦(1904<FONT face="Times New Roman">—</FONT>1983)为首的<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>纯芭蕾<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>(即非舞剧式的芭蕾作品,又称<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>新古典芭蕾<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>)开始占领主导地位以来,才结束了戏剧芭蕾一统天下的局面。世所公认的一流古典芭蕾舞团有七个:前苏联的基洛夫芭蕾舞团和莫斯科大剧院芭蕾舞团,美国的纽约市芭蕾舞团和美国芭蕾舞剧院,英国的皇家芭蕾舞团,法国巴黎歌剧院芭蕾舞团和丹麦皇家芭蕾舞团。当代芭蕾呈现出空前的普及和繁荣,代表性人物和团体为捷克人伊日<FONT face="Times New Roman">·</FONT>基里安(1947<FONT face="Times New Roman">—</FONT> )和他的荷兰舞蹈剧院以及美国人威廉<FONT face="Times New Roman">·</FONT>福赛特(1949<FONT face="Times New Roman">—</FONT> )和他的德国法兰克福芭蕾舞团。 <p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>脚尖的艺术<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>从运动的实际需要来看,脚尖鞋的发明能够将舞者身体的重量支撑<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>面<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>经过若干倍的缩小后变成支撑<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>点<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>,从而有效地减小与地面的摩擦力,提高旋转的速度,造成风驰电掣的效果、超凡脱俗的幻觉,进而更好地为仙凡之恋这类虚幻的芭蕾题材服务。<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>从芭蕾的本体美学来说,正是脚尖鞋的使用和脚尖舞的技术使芭蕾与其他种类的舞蹈区别开来。当然这种区别主要只是对女舞者而言的。与民间舞和现代舞相对而言,芭蕾作为一种高贵的西文古典舞,与日常生活的距离是最远的。而在生活与艺术这条从标线上,它是最为艺术化的一种舞蹈。<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>从内容与形式的统一来讲,芭蕾的动作语言作为一种离生活最远的舞蹈形式,最适合表现那种可望而不可及的仙凡之恋的内容,从而完成了形式与内容的高度统一。<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>从芭蕾的审美理想来说,脚尖鞋的使用能够将原本修长的舞者肢体线条进一步拉长,以延伸这种特定的美感,增强了对空间的冲击力,扩大对空间的占有量,并远远超出人体通常解剖结构的比例,加大芭蕾艺术与日常生活的距离,形象生动地体现出<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>距离即美<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>的古典美学原则。 <p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>怎样欣赏芭蕾<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>传统的欣赏思路,要求观众提前半小时左右到达剧场,以便能将日常生活中的琐事和烦恼统统留在剧场的大门外,然后静下心来,全身心地投入剧场这样一个非常特殊的审美场。现代欣赏思路认为,剧情到底是怎么<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>写<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>的无足轻重,芭蕾舞剧说到底,还是以舞为主,以剧为辅的,否则,怎么解释芭蕾舞剧中的主演们在跳完双人舞后,甚至在跳完其中的变奏后,便向观众频频施礼的现象?<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>在欣赏芭蕾的过程中,<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>第六感觉<FONT face="Times New Roman">”——</FONT>动觉应该是观众最重要的工具。假如你真的不懂如何去欣赏芭蕾的话,那就什么也别想,只管走进剧场,从<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>感觉<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>芭蕾开始做起好了。因此芭蕾观众最好轻装上阵,两手空空,以便能够随时对芭蕾舞者的动作做出自己的、自由的、松弛的和即刻的动觉反应和理解。<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>芭蕾技术的20条标准:</FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>1、旋转:数量和质量的高低是评判芭蕾舞者技术水平高低的核心标准之一,所谓质量,主要指的是旋转过程中,规范的舞姿是否走形,空间的定位是否合乎要求,停止旋转时是否稳定如初,是否能自然而然地完成结尾时的固定舞姿。2、速度:这是衡量芭蕾舞者技术水平高低的又一硬性标尺。速度越快,难度越大,但在有些旋转和跳跃中,加速则是必不可少的,并且能使这些动作完成起来更加容易一些。当然,速度的快慢只是一种技术的标准,而非艺术的标准。这里涉及到了<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>舞蹈的本质更多的还是艺术,而非技术<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>的总体原则,尽管没有比较完美和完整的技术,舞蹈也无法成就为艺术。3、方向:这是判别技术高低的第三条标准。在动态中变换方向时,要求力度增减得当,而有经验的舞者都懂得,按照圆形的调度转圈比按照直线的调度转圈难得多,而女子保持在一个固定点上完成32周挥鞭转 ,或男子也在一个固定点上完成几十个二位旁腿转,则往往成为衡量舞者技术水平高低的试金石之一。4、定点看一点:所谓<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>定点看一点<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>,指的是舞者在以躯干为垂直轴作急速旋转时,必须用眼睛盯住正前方的某一点不放,即让整个躯干和四肢先转,而将头部,尤其是双眼,留在后面,直到整个头部与身体间的分离程度达到最大极限时,也就是当身体要进行第二次旋转之前的那一刹那,将头部和双眼蓦地跟着整个身体的动势甩过去,并立即以快于躯体的速度,赶在整个身体完成一整圈之前,找到原来的那个视点,然后死死地盯住不放,这是避免舞者头晕的最好方法。这种作法实际上,就是用建军雷不及掩耳的速度,造成一种静态的假象,以利用最短的时间来完成视觉中的这种方向变化,减少平衡器官中的振荡和变化,避免由此产生的晕眩。5、变化手臂或腿脚:在旋转或跳跃中变化手臂或腿脚,是对舞者身体平衡与协调能力的又一大挑战。6、无声而优雅的落地:这应是评判舞者水平高低的又一条标准。7、跳跃的高度:这当然能够增加舞蹈欣赏中的热烈情绪。比较而言,创造绝对高度远不如在瞬间中保持高度,甚至产生在空中停顿片刻的幻觉那样难。在专家的眼睛里,创造出这种幻觉是舞者最为辉煌的技艺之一。就在这个瞬间里作为人的舞者,或者说舞者的人性特征,得到了最大的发扬,而大自然的地心引力则受到了最大的蔑视。8、绷膝盖:这是芭蕾技术中绝对不可或缺的规范。9、绷脚尖:这也是对芭蕾技术完美性的基本要求。10、高抬腿:从接受美学的角度来看,舞者正面对着观众时,向两侧高抬腿更能出效果。11、支撑腿的稳定性:完成这个动作的理想化标准,除了膝盖和脚背需要绷直外,还要求支撑腿如板上钉钉一样,一动不动。12、线条:大致可分两大类,一类是舞者肢体线条,一类则是舞台调度的线条。13、流畅度:按照中外传统舞蹈的路子,编舞家和观众都习惯于要求舞者动作的线条和舞台调度的线条畅若流水。14、双人舞:包括了托举、支撑旋转和平衡三大类动作。杰出的舞伴间的默契除了表现在对双人舞的常规动作达到滚瓜烂熟的程度外,更表现在绝对的相互信任之上。15、大群舞:横竖必须成行,手脚必须到位,动作必须一致,呼吸必须统一,舞句必须流畅,舞者必须协调。大型的群舞中,每位舞者的个性应该加以最大限度的抑制,以便使整个画面保持协调统一。16、动作干净准确:无论是群体还是个体,舞者的动作都 应是干净而准确的。17、舞者在跳舞时,应该表现出充分而优雅的自信,尤其是在完成简单和高难动作之前和之中,不应表现出任何不安来,而应给人如履平地的轻松感和自如感,以及一气呵成的整体感和舒适感。18、快感:舞者作为剧场表演艺术家,其天职应该是给观众提供快感,但要提供快感,舞者本人必须在跳舞过程中先为自己找到快感。19、小骗局:当芭蕾舞者在舞台上未能严格按照上述技术规范,准确地完成各种动作时,会不由自主地作一些小小的补偿或调整,行话称之为<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>小骗局<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>。需要向观众解释清楚的是,为了完成某种超出常规运动范畴的动作,使观众产生新奇的美感和快感,采用这种<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>小骗局<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>是必要的,而绝对不等于是欺骗观众,就象魔术的神奇就在于它的<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>骗局<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>一样。20、从技术向艺术的大跳:在芭蕾演出中,舞蹈会不断改变其视点和强度。解决肢体位置和动作规范的时空力度关系,则是舞者应该在排练中解决的问题。<p></p></FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2></FONT> </P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>四个间接判别质量高低的视角:</FONT></P><P 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=2>1、芭蕾舞者的表演是否引人入胜,使观众无法懒散地或靠或躺在椅子里,而只能坐在椅子的前半部分,伸直脖梗、睁大眼睛、目不转睛地看;2、芭蕾舞者的表演是否达到了随心所欲的境界,或至少给观众留下了从容不迫的印象;3、芭蕾舞者在表演中,是否达到了忘却细节,只管顺着动作本身的逻辑向前发展之境界;4、芭蕾舞者在表演中,是否留下了只管带着身体在空间中运行,而忘却了一切世俗间的烦恼之印象。<p></p></FONT></P>
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发表于 10-3-2005 11:25:16|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P 0pt? 0in><B normal?><FONT size=2>polymer gels 一种聚合凝胶</FONT></B><FONT size=2>

<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following information was part of our display for the SET96 and SET98 Scientific Power to the People Exhibition, The Galleries, </FONT><FONT size=2><st1:City><st1:place>Bristol</st1:place></st1:City>, 20th and <st1:date Month="3" Day="21" Year="1998">21st March 1998</st1:date></FONT><FONT size=2>.
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>A POLYMER is a very long molecule rather like a very long piece of string.
The borax joins two molecules together to make a large network - rather like a flexible scaffolding. This is cross-linking.
This turns the fluid dissolved polymer into a GEL.
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>In oilwells water is pushed down to push oil up. If this breaks through to the production well bore, the well will just produce water. A solution is to block the rock pores with polymer gel to make the well produce oil again. These gels can be made from naturally occurring sugar-based polymers such as Guar and they can be cross-linked with Cobalt or Chromium.
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>Other everyday examples of polymer gels are to be found in non-drip emulsion paints, foods, car tyres and agrochemicals.
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>The polymer that we are using is POLYVINYL ALCOHOL and we are joining the strands together with BORAX. This gel, when coloured, is sold in toyshops as SLIME.
<P 0pt? 0in><B normal?>
<P><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2></FONT></P></B>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=2><B normal?>backgrounds of </B><st1:State><st1:place><B normal?>washington</B></st1:place></st1:State></FONT></FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>Map of <st1:place><st1:PlaceName>Federal</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType>City</st1:PlaceType></st1:place>, 1797
Historical Society of Washington, DC
The plan of the city of <st1:City><st1:place>Washington</st1:place></st1:City> was designed in 1791 by Pierre L'Enfant, and mapped the following year; a design which remains largely in place. For nearly a century, the realization of physical changes to the original plan were gradual until the second important benchmark in the development of Washington's urban plan: the McMillan Commission and its 1901-02 recommendations. The McMillan Commission plans were implemented predominantly during the first three decades of the 20th century, and continued sporadically thereafter. For nearly 100 years, a legal height limit of 160' has preserved the broad, horizontal Baroque nature of the city, allowing light and air to reach the pedestrian level, and resulting in a picturesque skyline pierced by steeples, domes, towers and monuments. </FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>On <st1:date Month="1" Day="24" Year="1791">January 24, 1791</st1:date>, President George Washington announced the Congressionally-designated permanent location of the national capital, a diamond-shaped ten-mile tract at the confluence of the <st1:place>Potomac</st1:place> and <st1:place><st1:PlaceName>Eastern</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceName>Branch</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType>Rivers</st1:PlaceType></st1:place>. A survey of the area was undertaken by Andrew Ellicott and Benjamin Banneker. Forty boundary stones, laid at one-mile intervals, established the boundaries based on celestial calculations by Banneker, a self-taught astronomer of African descent and one of the few free blacks living in the vicinity. Within this 100 square mile diamond, which would become the <st1:State><st1:place>District of Columbia</st1:place></st1:State>, a smaller area was laid out as the city of <st1:City><st1:place>Washington</st1:place></st1:City>. (In 1846, one-third of the District was retroceded by Congressional action to Virginia, thus removing that portion of the original district which lay west of the Potomac River.) In March 1791,the surveyors' roles were complemented by the employment of Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant to prepare the plan. </FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>Major L'Enfant (1755-1825), a French artist and engineer who had formed a friendship with George Washington while serving in the Revolutionary War, requested the honor of designing a plan for the national capital. The fact that the area was largely undeveloped gave the city's founders the unique opportunity to create an entirely new capital city. </FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>After surveying the site, L'Enfant developed a Baroque plan that features ceremonial spaces and grand radial avenues, while respecting natural contours of the land. The result was a system of intersecting diagonal avenues superimposed over a grid system. The avenues radiated from the two most significant building sites that were to be occupied by houses for Congress and the President. </FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>L'Enfant specified in notes accompanying the plan that these avenues were to be wide, grand, lined with trees, and situated in a manner that would visually connect ideal topographical sites throughout the city, where important structures, monuments, and fountains were to be erected. On paper, L'Enfant shaded and numbered 15 large open spaces at the intersections of these avenues and indicated that they would be divided among the states. He specified that each reservation would feature statues and memorials to honor worthy citizens. The open spaces were as integral to the capital as the buildings to be erected around them. L'Enfant opposed selling land prematurely, refused to furnish his map to the city commissioners in time for the sale, and was reluctantly relieved of his duties by George Washington. Ellicott was then engaged to produce a map and reproduced L'Enfant's plan from his memory. </FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>In the context of the <st1:country-region><st1:place>United States</st1:place></st1:country-region>, a plan as grand as the 200 year old city of <st1:City><st1:place>Washington</st1:place></st1:City>, DC, stands alone in its magnificence and scale. But as the capital of a new nation, its position and appearance had to surpass the social, economic and cultural balance of a mere city: it was intended as the model for American city planning and a symbol of governmental power to be seen by other nations. The remarkable aspect of <st1:State><st1:place>Washington</st1:place></st1:State>, is that by definition of built-out blocks and unobstructed open space, the plan conceived by L'Enfant is little changed today. </FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>The McMillan Plan </FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>As the city approached its centennial, there was a call to develop a comprehensive park system for the city. As early as 1898, a committee was formed to meet with President William McKinley to propose the erection of a monument to commemorate the centennial of the city. A joint committee formed by Congress held its first meeting in February 1900 with Senator James McMillan of <st1:State><st1:place>Michigan</st1:place></st1:State> as chairman, and Charles Moore as secretary. At the same time, plans were put forward for the development of a Mall which would include the newly reclaimed Potomac Flats. As the bureaucracy planned for the centennial, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) joined the fray. AIA leaders envisioned the nation's capital as the perfect place for the group to express the ideals of the City Beautiful movement promoted by the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in <st1:City><st1:place>Chicago</st1:place></st1:City>. The architect of this pivotal fair designed Beaux Arts Classical architecture in a grand and ordered civic space. </FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>When the Senate Commission was formed in 1901 to explore and plan the design of the city, the project then encompassed the historic core. The illustrious committee was comprised of Daniel Burnham, a visionary of the World's Columbian Exposition, as well as landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., architect Charles F.McKim, and sculptor Augustus St. Gaudens. </FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>Foremost in the minds of these men was the amazing foresight and genius of Pierre L'Enfant. The committee lamented the fragmented Mall marred by a railroad station and focused upon restoring it to the uninterrupted greensward envisioned by L'Enfant. In total, the forward-looking plans made by the McMillan Commission called for: re-landscaping the ceremonial core, consisting of the Capitol Grounds and Mall, including new extensions west and south of the Washington Monument; consolidating city railways and alleviating at-grade crossings; clearing slums; designing a coordinated municipal office complex in the triangle formed by Pennsylvanian Avenue, 15th Street, and the Mall, and establishing a comprehensive recreation and park system that would preserve the ring of Civil War fortifications around the city. </FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>To protect the new goals introduced by the McMillan study, the AIA appealed to President Theodore Roosevelt to form a fine arts commission. Established by Congress in 1910 during the Taft Administration, the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) was created as a consulting organization to the government on the design of bridges, parks, paintings, and other artistic matters; an executive order later that year added the design review of all public buildings. </FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=2>Influenced by the designs of several European cities and 18th century gardens such as <st1:country-region><st1:place>France</st1:place></st1:country-region>'s <st1:place><st1:PlaceType>Palace</st1:PlaceType> of <st1:PlaceName>Versailles</st1:PlaceName></st1:place>, the plan of <st1:place><st1:City>Washington</st1:City>, <st1:State>DC</st1:State></st1:place> was symbolic and innovative for the new nation. Only limited changes were made to the historic city-bounded by <st1:Street><st1:address>Florida Avenue</st1:address></st1:Street> on the north and the waterways on the east, west and south-until after the Civil War. The foremost manipulation of L'Enfant's plan began in the 19th century, and was codified in 1901 when the McMillan Commission directed urban improvements that resulted in the most elegant example of City Beautiful tenets in the nation. L'Enfant's plan was magnified and expanded during the early decades of the 20th century with the reclamation of land for waterfront parks, parkways, an improved Mall and new monuments and vistas. Two hundred years since its design, the integrity of the plan of <st1:State><st1:place>Washington</st1:place></st1:State> is largely unimpaired-boasting a legal enforced height restriction, landscaped parks, wide avenues, and open space allowing intended vistas. Constant vigilance is needed by the agencies responsible for design review, it their charge to continue the vision of L'Enfant.
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2><B normal?>鹦鹉螺</B><B normal?>(中文版)</B></FONT><BR line-break?><BR line-break?>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>鹦鹉螺属于头足纲中的四鳃类。古老的头足类也都像鹦鹉螺一样,有不同形状的贝壳。但到现在它们大都已经灭绝,唯一剩下的只有在海底生活的鹦鹉螺了,所以鹦鹉螺是一种<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>活化石<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>,属于国家保护动物,很久以来便是动物进化系统研究中的很有价值的材料之一。
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>  鹦鹉螺是一种底栖性的动物,平时在海底爬行,偶然也漂浮在海中游泳。它的游泳方式跟乌贼相仿,是利用它的两片互相包被的漏斗喷水进行的。鹦鹉螺的触手数目很多,一共有90个。其中有两个合在一起变得很肥厚,当肉体缩到贝壳里的时候,用它盖住壳口,这与腹足类的厣的作用相当。
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>  世界上生活的鹦鹉螺一共只有3种,数量也不多。它们的贝壳很好看,珍珠层很厚,可供玩赏或制造工艺品。
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>海底</FONT><FONT size=2><FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>天文学家<FONT face="Times New Roman">”——</FONT>鹦鹉螺</FONT><FONT size=2>

鹦鹉螺属软体动物头足纲,早在距今5亿多年前就出现了,分布在全球范围内,有350多种,与它同类的章鱼、鱿鱼、乌贼等在进化发展中身体发生了很大的变化,身体外的壳有的转入身体里面,如乌贼。有的仅仅留下一层胶质的薄膜,如鱿鱼。还有的壳已经消失了,如章鱼。它们游泳的速度加快了,可是惟独鹦鹉螺的壳自从演变成现在的模样就没有多大变化,只有6种,所以它是现存软体动物中最古老、最低等的种类,也是研究生物进化、古生物与古气候的重要材料,有<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>活化石<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>之称。稍有变化的是生活的环境从原来的浅海移居到</FONT><FONT size=2>200~400米的深海中。白天在水下,晚间浮出水面。
鹦鹉螺气室上有许多环纹称为生长线。同一个时代的鹦鹉螺化石,其生长线数目是一样的。但是,这些生长线数目随年代的不同而变化,研究化石的鹦鹉螺,从远古到现在,生长线数目越来越多。据研究,生长线的数目与当时月亮绕地球一周所需要的天数是一致的,远古时期,月亮距离地球近,绕地球一周的天数少,所以生长线的数目少,现在的鹦鹉螺的生长线有30条,正好与现在月亮绕地球一圈所用的时间一致。鹦鹉螺壳记录了月亮与地球的旋转的关系,所以鹦鹉螺有<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>海底天文学家<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>的美誉。</FONT><FONT size=2>鹦鹉螺分布于马来群岛、台湾海峡和南海诸岛。

在距今4亿4千万年到5亿年前,有一时期,独霸海洋的曾经是一种体型很大的鹦鹉螺。鹦鹉螺是软体动物,柔软的身体外面包着外壳,外壳又厚又大,从背面向腹面卷成螺旋型,左右对称,壳的外面有均匀的条纹。活的鹦鹉螺全身闪耀着白色、灰色、橘红色的光泽,在海洋游泳时,头和腕完全伸出壳外,壳口向下,像一只翩翩飞舞的鹦鹉。从古代到中生代,头足类十分繁盛,在古生物学中头足纲被划分为:鹦鹉螺亚纲、杆石亚纲菊石亚纲和鞘形亚纲,人们根据壳的形状,体管内沉积物特点、体管类型等,把鹦鹉螺划分为四个超目,是:直角石超目、内角石超目、珠角石超目和鹦鹉螺超目。前三个超目是已经灭绝的类群,惟独鹦鹉螺超目一直残存到现在。鹦鹉螺在软体动物中是进化的比较完善的一个类群,所以在它的时期可以为所欲为。它们以其它小动物为食。他们有明显的头部,眼睛很大,视力很好。头的前端中央有口,口内有坚硬的颚,能够咀嚼很硬的东西。口的周围有几十条细小的腕,用来探索环境、捕捉食物也用来在海底爬行。主要的运动方式和乌贼差不多。鹦鹉螺在5亿多年前就出现了,早出现的种类体型小,数量不多,构造比较简单,4亿4千万年前,这个华丽的家族极其繁盛,现在的化石品种已达2500多种(不包括菊石)身体也大的惊人,最大的鹦鹉螺化石是在奥陶纪地层中发现的长达10多米。在四亿多年前仍然很多,到了三亿5千万年前开始迅速衰落,现在仅仅生存有4种 ,是著名的活化石。运气好的话只有在印度洋和菲律宾不超过600米深度的温暖海洋,探海的人可以极其幸运的捕捞到,进行饲养,很难活到一年。我国的鹦鹉螺壳来源全部来自西沙群岛、南沙群岛和海南岛,数量很多。也从一个侧面反映了我国的鹦鹉螺种群在逐步萎缩,现在4种鹦鹉螺是世界级的重点保护动物,我国的鹦鹉螺品种的研究价值比较特殊,是那3种无法代替的,所以我国的鹦鹉螺要严加保护! <BR line-break?><BR line-break?>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT size=2><B normal?>About nautilus and king nautilus</B>
By 1986, Saunders and I had collected tissue from nautiluses around <st1:country-region><st1:place>Fiji</st1:place></st1:country-region>, <st1:place><st1:City>Samoa</st1:City>, <st1:country-region>Australia</st1:country-region></st1:place>, <st1:country-region><st1:place>New Guinea</st1:place></st1:country-region>, the <st1:country-region><st1:place>Philippines</st1:place></st1:country-region>, <st1:country-region><st1:place>Palau</st1:place></st1:country-region>, and <st1:State><st1:place>New Caledonia</st1:place></st1:State>. Two independent sequencings of their genes yielded the same remarkable result there are only two distinct groups of nautiluses. One is composed of the king nautilus, which appears to have descended from the chambered nautilus about 15 million years ago; the other group is composed of all the other so-called nautilus species. </FONT></FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>If the genetic evidence is accepted, it means that the long-agreed classification of the living species has crumbled. The king nautilus represents a different genus altogether, while the differences in shell morphology of the other "species" seem to be useless in telling them apart. We had gone from 11 living species belonging to one genus--Nautilus--to two genera, Nautilus and our newly recognized genus, with only two or three species between them. We gave the king nautilus a new scientific name, Allonautilus, which is Latin for "other nautilus."</FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>These surprising results made us wonder if nautiloid fossils might also have some secrets to reveal. Unable to study extinct nautiloid DNA, we had to figure out a new way to classify these animals based on their shells alone. Previous studies of nautiloids had classified them on relatively few features, and we hoped that we might find more to examine. Luckily for us, just such a trove of distinctive new characters had been uncovered by Neil Landman of the <st1:place><st1:PlaceName>American</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType>Museum</st1:PlaceType></st1:place> of Natural History in <st1:State><st1:place>New York</st1:place></st1:State>.</FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>The chambered nautilus hatches at a very large size: it emerges from its egg with seven fully formed chambers and a shell diameter of more than an inch, making it the largest invertebrate at hatching in the world. (Indeed, it may have been this trait that allowed it to survive the great Cretaceous mass extinction, for the nautilus appears to lay its eggs in very deep water, where they take a year to hatch. Juveniles or unhatched eggs might have survived in a deep refuge when the great comet ending the age of dinosaurs, 65 million years ago, turned all the shallower oceanic regions into a toxic, heated cauldron of extinction.) When a living chambered nautilus emerges from its egg, it stops growing temporarily, and this pause leaves a distinct groove in its shell. Since the shell wraps around itself as it grows, these earliest stages are always preserved in the middle. Landman began dissecting fossils to see if similar marks were found in extinct species as well. He discovered that not only did these marks occur, but many other features also.</FONT></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2>Saunders and I combined Landman's new characters with the classical ones and then began to study their occurrence in living and extinct nautiloids. Both of us had been taught that present-day nautiluses are the most recently evolved of the 10,000 nautiloids that have swum through the oceans over the past 500 million years. Thus we expected them to have a lot of features that had evolved relatively recently. To our surprise, we found that today's chambered nautilus appears to be extremely primitive--rather than being a descendant of some fairly recently evolved nautiloid, the chambered nautilus evolved much earlier. It may even be the ancestor of most of the nautiloids present on our planet for the last 75 to 100 million years.</FONT></P>
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<P 0pt? 0in><B normal?><FONT size=2>有关鹦鹉螺的完整介绍!</FONT></B><a href="" target="_blank" ><FONT size=2></FONT></A><FONT size=2>
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<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>mangrove:红树林
红树林是唯一能种植在海滩上,耐海水浸渍的树木。老厦门们对它并不陌生,它就是过去海边常见的<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>海 加定<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>。红树林是热带、亚热带潮间带特有的木本植物群落。科学研究表明:红树林生态系统是世界上高生产力的生态系统之一。</FONT><FONT size=2>
  红树林对近海渔业有积极的促进作用,是海区生物能源的重要供应者。红树林区是 多种鱼、虾和蟹等经济海产隐蔽、生长和繁殖的良好场所。红树林作为沿海防护林的第一道屏障,对风浪具有强大的<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>消能<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>作用,同时其发达的根系,具有很强的固土能力, 对固堤护岸、保护沿海的各种设施有很好的作用。红树林有防治污染、过滤陆源入海污染物、减少海域赤潮发生的作用。我市红树林处在九龙江出口处,保护红树林直接关系 到保护我们的母亲河。此外,红树林还有美化环境及提供林产自然资源等多种作用。其 经济效益、社会效益和生态效益十分显著。</FONT><FONT size=2><B normal?>科氏力</B> (coriolis force)  
地球自转会带来一种力,科学家称之为科里奥利力(简称科氏力,是一种非惯性参照系的惯性力)。相对于推或者拉产生的力而言,科氏力并不是一个</FONT><FONT size=2><FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>真实的<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>力,但是它的力量确实非常强大,强大到可以造就台风。
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>在旋转的的地球上,流体运动始终受到科氏力的作用,气象学上又称之为地转偏向力。对于大尺度大 气运动,科氏力具有十分重要的意义。
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>由於地球自轉的關係,空氣快一開始運動即無法與地球自轉系統同步,因而產生偏轉現象。舉例來說,如果有甲、乙二人站在轉盤上,甲自轉動中心平拋出一球,給位於轉盤邊緣上的乙。站在盤外的丙,所看到求的飛行方向是直線,然而就乙和球的相對位置而言,乙所看到球的移動路徑卻是拋物線。
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>假設有一顆砲彈從北極點發射出去,如果地球不會自轉,那麼砲彈的飛行軌跡,從空中鳥瞰,應該是一直線。但是,事實上地球會自轉,因此,隨著地球的自轉,砲彈在空中飛行的軌跡,如果站在北極點看過去,是不斷偏右的。這就是科氏力的原理。</FONT><FONT size=2>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>再摘录两段</FONT><FONT size=2>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">⊙</FONT>為什麼赤道地區不能形成颱風?</FONT><FONT size=2>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>在横渡大西洋前往圣萨尔瓦多的时候,哥伦布发现蔚蓝色的海洋中,有一道深蓝色的河流自东向西流动着。这时,帆船快速地随波漂流。哥伦布在日记中写道:<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>我注意到海水明显地自东向西流动,好像上帝驱使的一样。<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>其实,哥伦布看到的那道深蓝色的<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>河流<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>就是海流。海流是海水大规模相对稳定的运动,它遍及世界各个大洋,组成一个个好似封闭的循环。海流的运动有很多奇怪的地方。
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>首先,它运动的方向会在惯性作用下发生偏转。这个现象是物理学家科里奥利首先提出来的,人们就称这种力叫<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>科氏力<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>。
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>假设在没有科氏力作用下,海洋中运动的船只会沿着直线行进。然而,在科氏力作用下,船只的前进方向马上就改变了。由于我们这个装置是模拟地球北半球的运动,所以,偏转的方向会向右。
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<P 0pt? 0in><B normal?><FONT size=2>What is p53 ?
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<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>After the identification of the p53 protein and the subsequent cloning of p53 genes from several species, early observations suggested that p53 may function as an oncogene, because overexpression of p53 appeared to cause oncogenic transformation of cells. In the late 1980s, however, several critical discoveries defined the normal function of p53 to be anti-oncogenic. Wild-type p53 genes, when introduced into cells, were found to be growth suppressive. The screening of DNA from colon cancer patients revealed that p53 mutations occur with unusually high frequency in tumor tissue, an observation that was extended to most of the other major forms of human cancer. Indeed, members of Li-Fraumeni cancer-prone families were shown to carry germ-line p53 mutations. The importance of these observations was underscored by the finding that mice that are homozygous null for p53, although developmentally competent, are highly predisposed to tumors.
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<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>The functional character of the p53 protein was determined by experiments showing that p53 contains a strong transcriptional activation domain within its amino terminus and that it is a tetrameric, sequence-specific DNA-biding protein with a defined cognate binding site containing two copies of the 10-mer (5'-RRRCA/TT/AGYYY-3'). Although the p53 protein acts as a transcriptional activator of genes containing p53-binding sites, it is also capable of strongly inhibiting transcription from many genes lacking p53-binding sites. Several oncogenic DNA viruses express viral gene products that associate with and inhibit the trans-activation function of p53, notably SV40 large T antigen, the adenovirus E1B 55-kD protein, and the E6 protein of oncogenic forms of human papillomavirus (HPV E6). In cells, p53 can associate with a 90-kD protein, identified as the product of the mdm-2 oncogene, which is amplified in some types of tumors. When bound to mdm-2, p53 can no longer function as an activator of transcription.
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<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>p53 plays multiple roles in cells. Expression of high levels of wild-type (but not mutant) p53 has two outcomes: cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. The observation that DNA-damaging agents induce levels of p53 in cells led to the definition of p53 as a checkpoint factor, akin, perhaps, to the product of the fad9 gene in yeast. While dispensable for viability, in response to genotoxic stress, p53 acts as an "emergency brake" inducing either arrest or apoptosis, protecting the genome from accumulating excess mutations. Consistent with this notion, cells lacking p53 were shown to be genetically unstable and thus more prone to tumors.
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<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>(中文版)
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>p53是存在人體細胞內的一種抗癌白質,它有抑制細胞生長及維持遺傳物質完整性的功能。事實上,半數以上的癌症細胞內都有p53的突變,可見其在細胞生長控制上扮演了重要的角色。在正常狀況下,p53的半衰期約只有30分鐘,相當不穩定;然而當細胞經紫外線,離子化射線(如X光,伽傌照射),或當細胞缺氧、缺養時,p53被活化,同時它的穩定性提高,造成細胞內的p53大量增加,除了上述刺激外,化學治療上常用的藥物也有同效。這種p53的活化與增加常導致兩種可能的結果:一是細胞長停止在G1或G2期;另一是細胞採自殺行為(apoptosis)而死亡。細胞由此得以修補損壞(前者),或過度受損的細胞得以從人體除去(後者)。這種依賴p53的"自衛措施"在一些細胞中常因p53的突變而失去功能,使得這些有"缺陷"的細胞能繼續不受控制的生長分裂,導致突變的累積和癌症的生長。
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>雖然環境因子影響p53活性及穩定性的事實已知已久,其間的分子機轉仍不清楚。蛋白質的磷酸化(phosphorylation)一向被認為在訊息傳遞上扮演重要的角色。事實上,經由我們及其他實驗室的研究發現,p53在經過紫外線,伽傌射線照射後,其N端的數個胺基酸(第15,20,33,37)有磷酸化的現象。這種磷酸化發生極為快速,幾乎是在照射後數分鐘內即已產生,而持續多久則視胺基酸位置、刺激型態,及細胞種類而異。至於這些磷酸化與p53的反應之關聯性則仍有待證明。最近我們發現有兩個在細胞分裂(Cell cycle)的檢查點(checkpoint)上扮演著重要調控功能的磷酸化酵素(kinase) hCHK1,CHK2可以有效的磷酸化p53。有趣的是,磷酸化的胺基酸中包括了那些可以被紫外線、伽傌線引起的位置,即第15,20及37胺基酸。我們正著手研究可能的CHKs的上游分子及p53在CHKs磷酸化後功能之變化。此外, 不同的環境因子與p53聯繫的方式可能各異,有些可能透過磷酸化以外的方式進行。 我們希望能先定出p53序列中與環境因子互動有關的區域(domain),再由此找出與調節p53穩定性有關的機制及分子。</FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-10 11:27:12编辑过]
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发表于 10-3-2005 11:24:01|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P 0pt? 0in><B normal?><FONT size=2>艺术流派</FONT></B></P>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>現代藝術(Modernism)<BR line-break?><BR line-break?></FONT><FONT size=2>野獸派</FONT><FONT size=2> (Fauvism) 立體派 (Cubism) 表現派 (Expressionism)
機械主義(The Age of Machinery) 未來派(Futurism) 達達派(Dada)
野獸派 (Fauvism)

印象派發展到後期, 尤其進入了後期印象派(Post Impressionism)之後, 藝術家們的思想方式越來越主觀, 也可以說越來越有個人的特色. 印象派兩腳跨在十九及二十世紀的鴻溝上, 將藝術由古典拉進了現代. 接下來要介紹的野獸派(Faurism)就是純純正正的二十世紀的現代藝術. 1905年, 馬蒂斯(Henri Matisse)與他的朋友佛洛明克(Maurice de Vlaminck)和戴倫(Andre Derain)在法國巴黎的藝術中心-蒙馬特舉行的秋季沙龍中, 展出了一系列色彩強烈, 畫面單純的畫作. 藝術評論家路易士牟雪爾(Louis Vauxcelles)看見一件古典雕刻的周圍掛了許多如此的作品, 忍不住說: 就像古典雕刻家(Donatello)在野獸群中("parmi les fauves" among the wild beasts). </FONT><FONT size=2>Les fauves 就是法文中的野獸群, 馬蒂斯一群人也認為他們這種突破傳統的勇猛畫風, 的確帶有一點野獸的味道, 於是"野獸派"重此訂名. 野獸派對西洋藝術貢獻有絕對性的影響, 單純的線條, 鮮豔奪目的色彩是受到了梵谷的影響. 脫離自然的模仿, 從塞尚的畫中野獸群們強調心中主觀的認知而忽略眼中看見的客觀形體而發揮了炙熱的創造力. 野獸派帶領著西洋繪畫朝向更深入的"純粹造型"方向表現.

立體派 (Cubism)

野獸派在馬蒂斯的帶領之下, 橫衝直撞的在歐洲激出了巨大的火花. 但野獸派的時間卻不長, 大約十年後, 西班牙誕生的畢卡索(Pablo Picasso)所創的立體派(Cubism)出現了. 從此, 野獸派之後, 立體派成為最具影響力及革命性的畫派之一, 世界從此看起來也不再一樣了. 畢卡索這位現代藝術最重要的宗師, 他出現的前, 後百年的西方藝術各流派, 不是不是被他所吸收, 就是被他所影響. 今天所要介紹的就是他-所創造出來的-立體派. 立體派的繪畫理論是塞尚(Paul Cezanne)所說的:"自然的一切, 都可以從球形, 圓錐形, 圓筒形去求得". 科學理論即是物理學的:"物體的演化都是從原本物體的邊與角簡化而來的". 立體派的畫家們把他們所畫的物體打破成許多不同的小平面, 在同時表現出物體不同的外觀. 基於以上觀點, 立體派的畫家開始重視直線, 忽視曲線, 運用基本形體開始幾何學上的構圖. 1908年, 馬蒂斯看到這些奇妙的繪畫說:這應該叫做立體派了". 立體派從此打響了名號. 立體派受黑人雕刻及東方繪畫的影響, 他們強調畫中要把物體的長, 寬, 高, 深度在同時表現出來. 他們不在由平面看物體而是由四面八方的觀察, 然後將物體打破支解, 再由畫家的主觀意識將碎片整理湊合, 完成一個完整的藝術.

表現派 (Expressionism)

野獸派之後, 法國有畢卡索為首的立體主義, 幾乎在同時的德國則有表現派(Expressionism)興起. 1909年, 表現派的畫家們首次在德國的德勒斯城組織團體"橋派". 1911年, 康丁斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)和馬爾克(Franz Marc)在德國慕尼黑地區組織"黑騎士"的美術團體, 標榜表現主義從事繪畫創作. 依年代來看, 正值第一次世界大戰後期, 表現派的畫家們看見戰爭的殘酷, 一切的一切被戰爭摧毀. 因此, 他們開始批判的角度來探討物體的本質, 否認眼睛所看到物體的姿態, 而注重物體在眼中所表現出來的樣子. 因為每個不同的人所看見的物體會有不同的體認, 自然每個人所描述及表現的方法也不同, 所以表現派是極端主觀的個人主義, 他們寫意而不寫實, 象徵而不表象. 表現派與野獸派一樣注重使用鮮豔的色彩, 當然與野獸們不同的是他們絕對不會讓你輕易了解, 因為每個人不會對同一件物體有完全一樣的看法, 你不是他. 雖然表現派沒有如野獸派與表現派出現特別了不起的人物, 但他們對二十世紀中期以後的現代抽象主義(Non-figurative Art)具有深刻的影響. 對不起, 因為現代的抽象主義, 你更看不懂.

機械主義</FONT><FONT size=2>(The Age of Machinery)

接下來要介紹一下機械主義(The Age of Machinery)及未來派(Futurism). 機械主義與未來派幾乎是在同一個時代, 當時立體派沒落, 在德國有表現派興起, 法國有機械主義, 義大利則有未來派. 機械主義代表人物只有勒澤一人, 有些人乾脆把他歸入立體派中, 但再西洋藝術史中也可以說是不可忽略的一個流派. 機械主義的畫家由機械上取得靈感, 加上塞尚的理論:"自然的一切, 都可以由球形, 圓錐形和圓筒形去求得. </FONT><FONT size=2>" 機械主義傳承了印象派及野受派的精華用原色作畫, 事先不加調配. 機械主義的畫家也不喜歡在畫上加上特別的筆觸, 只用平塗法作畫. 如此, 機械主義的畫看起來樸素且堅實, 運用強烈的色彩對比, 表現一種明朗生動的感覺.


在法國的未來派是一個有預先組織的畫派, 他們把畫派的中心思想及名稱都想好了並發表後, 才開始依照準則作畫. 未來派的準則簡單的來說就是:"動就是美". 他們認為, 一切的一切在未來而否認過去. 他們認為要不停的動, 才能擺脫過去, 迎向未來. 未來派表現"動"的方法大多是用物體的連續動作. 好像攝影時使用慢速快門, 了解攝影的人都知道, 在攝影中要表現動作(movement)時, 有兩個選擇, 一是用快速快門(通常在1/500秒以上)使物體動態凝結, 二是用慢速快門(通常在1/30秒以下)使物體在底片上留下動態軌跡. 所以未來派所表現的不是現在式, 不是過去式, 更不是未來式, 而是現在進行式(加-ing就對啦!). 雖然未來派只有短短的五, 六年, 但是這個觀念影響了之後的達達派(Dada)及現代抽象藝術, 他們比未來派更否定過去, 保證你看不懂.


第一次世界大戰後, 達達派(Dada)由瑞士向歐洲蔓延了出來. 當時的環境是: 後期印象派(Post Impressionism)到了後期, 其他還有立體派, 表現派, 未來派等畫派在歐洲盤據地盤, 但每一個都逃不出達達派的批判. 因為達達派如表現派般厭惡戰爭而厭惡過去, 但程度上比未來派還要激進. 他們大膽的摧毀一切舊有的傳統, 而採取無理性的表現方式. 達達派的表現方式著重在天然形成與自由塗寫. 他們喜歡用不同的材料用自然排列的方式成為一個新的藝術. 例如, 把色紙剪成塊狀(有一點兒像野獸派大師馬蒂斯後期的表現方法)然後讓他們自由飄散在地上, 而取得靈感. 達達派的文學家把報紙的字母寫下, 然後抖動他們再依字母的自然排列成了一首新詩(這又有點像台灣的乩童在上身後鬼畫符一番, 之後再由旁人解說). 所以達達派的創作是象徵的且無定形的呈現(因為他們也不知道抖完後會成什麼樣子). 我想達達派最大的成就, 應該是讓當時的人有完全逆向思考的機會. 大戰結束後, 德國, 法國, 甚至隔海的美國都有不少人從事此風格的創作. </P>

<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>超現實主義(Surrealism)
第一次世界大戰完畢後的幾年, 人們開始懷疑理性主義, 雖理性主義然使歐洲的文化, 政治達到頂峰但還是發生了恐怖一次大戰. 雖然達達派(Dada)的藝術風靡了當時的歐洲畫壇. 但是把印了字的紙片灑在地上作詩, 似乎太過消極了. 超現實主義(Surrealism)這時開始萌芽了. 1924年, 超現實主義的創始人, 也是達達派的詩人與評論家-安德烈布爾頓發表了"超現實主義宣言"(The Surrealist Manifesto). 宣言中指出: 超現實主義是結合了意識的和無意識的精神領域在每天的現實生活中而完成世界的美夢與幻想. 簡單的說, 超現實主義不但重視人類意識的思考, 另外更重視下意識的範疇. 他們用科學的方法研究人在無意中畫出的圖畫, 信手寫出的字, 小孩或瘋子的圖畫, 結合心理學與精神病學的原理, 配合上人的夢境與幻想. 結論是: 美是在解放了的意識中那些不可思議的幻象與夢境. 所以超現實主義是一種超理性, 超意識的藝術. 超現實主義的畫家不受理性主義的限制而憑本能及想像, 表現超現實的題材. 他們自由自在的生活在一種時空交錯的空間, 不受空間與時間的束縛, 表現出比現實世界更真實更有意義. 超現實主義首先在法國展開, 立即受西班牙畫家的歡迎, 很快普及到全世界. 而原本是單純的美術改革運動, 不久也影響到了文學, 雕刻, 戲劇, 戲劇舞台, 電影, 建築等其它的應用藝術, 所以超現實主義可以說是影響全世界的新文藝運動. 但在第二次世界大戰時, 大量的藝術家遷往美國, 同時影響美國超現實主義的風行. 1945年後"新具象"在藝術之都巴黎興起, 超現實主義才漸漸沒落
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-10 11:25:56编辑过]
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发表于 10-3-2005 11:21:29|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2><B normal?>背景知识</B><B normal?>: 地球的旋转时间变短</B></FONT>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>We have been talking about some of the effects that the human beings had on the earth. One you may not be aware of is that we actually begin to change the length of the day. In the other way to say, one day is the amount of time the earth needs to spin completely around an axis, the imaginary line around the center of the earth, from the north to the south. And of course there are a lot of physical causes that can affect the speed of the earth</FONT><FONT size=2><FONT face="Times New Roman">’</FONT>s rotation, but there was only one that is direct result of the human activity. Since 1950, human beings have built about ten thousand artificial reservoirs all over the world. These reservoirs have redistributed tremendous amount of the earth water. When they are used to be in the area near the equator, the imaginary line surround the middle of the earth, it<FONT face="Times New Roman">’</FONT>s now the reservoirs in the areas of different latitudes. The latitude matters because, well, thinking the earth and axis, the equator contains the areas on the earth that are the farthest away from axis. So water has been redistributed from the equator regions, then wherever the water is, to it<FONT face="Times New Roman">’</FONT>s close to the earth axis. It<FONT face="Times New Roman">’</FONT>s like when ice skaters perform spins when those skaters put their arms enclose to their bodies, they spin faster. So the earth is spinning faster because the reservoirs have redistributed the water close to its axis. And because the earth was spinning faster, since 1950 the length of day has decreased by about 8 millionth of second. I know that doesn<FONT face="Times New Roman">’</FONT>t sound like much but significant in that this is the first time that human beings ever had measurable affect on the earth<FONT face="Times New Roman">’</FONT>s motion.

<P 0pt? 0in><B normal?>
<P><FONT size=2></FONT></P></B>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2><B normal?>背景知识</B><B normal?>: 潮汐发电</B></FONT>
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>凡在海边上生活过的人都知道,海水时进时退,海面时涨时落。海水的这种自然涨落现象就是人们常说的的潮汐。潮汐是由月球的引潮力可使海面升高0.246米,在两者的共同作用下,潮汐的最大潮差为8.9米;北美芬迪湾蒙克顿港最大潮差竟达19米.据计算,世界海洋潮汐能蕴藏量约为27亿千瓦,若全部转换成电能,每年发电量大约为1.2万亿度。潮汐发电严格地讲应称为</FONT><FONT size=2><FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>潮汐能发电<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>,潮汐能发电仅是海洋能发电的一种,但是它是海洋能利用中发展最早、规模最大、技术较成熟的一种。
<P 0pt? 0in><FONT size=2>现代海洋能源开发主要就是指利用海洋能发电。利用海洋能发电的方式很多,其中包括波力发电、潮汐发电、潮流发电、海水温差发电和海水含盐浓度差发电等,而国内外已开发利用海洋能发电主要是潮汐发电。由于潮汐发电的开发成本较高和技术上的原因,所以发展不快。</FONT><FONT size=2>
  由于潮水的流动与河水的流动不同,它是不断变换方向的,因此就使得潮汐发电出现了不同的型式,例如:<FONT face="Times New Roman">①</FONT>单库单向型,只能在落潮时发电。<FONT face="Times New Roman">②</FONT>单库双向型:在涨、落潮时都能发电。<FONT face="Times New Roman">③</FONT>双库双向型:可以连续发电,但经济上不合算,未见实际应用。</FONT><FONT size=2> 4潮汐发电的实际应用应首推1912年在德国的胡苏姆兴建的一座小型潮汐电站,由此开始把潮汐发电的理想变为现实。世界上第一座具有经济价值,而且也是目前世界上最大的潮汐发电站,是1966年在法国西部沿海建造的朗斯洛潮汐电站,它使潮汐电站进入了实用阶段,其装机容量为24千瓦,年均发电量为5.44亿度。1968年原苏联巴伦支海建成的基斯洛潮汐电站,其总装机容量为800千瓦,年发电量为230万度。中国沿海已建成9座小型潮汐电站,1980年建成的江厦潮汐电站是我国第一座双向潮汐电站,也是目前世界上较大的一座双向潮汐电站,其总机容量为3200千瓦,年发电量为1070万度。</FONT></P>
<P ><B >蜘蛛丝军事用途</B>
神奇的<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>生物钢<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT> <p></p></P>
<P >  生物钢指的是羊奶钢,也指牛奶钢。羊奶与牛奶,本来与钢铁风马牛不相及,但科学家却将它们巧妙地结合起来了。<p></p></P>
<P >  1997年初,美国生物学家安妮<FONT face="Times New Roman">·</FONT>穆尔发现,在美国南部有一种称为<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>黑寡妇<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>的蜘蛛,它吐出的丝比现在所知道的任何蜘蛛丝的强度都高,而且这种蜘蛛可以吐出两种不同类型的丝织成蜘蛛网,第一种丝在拉断之前,可以延伸27%,它的强度竟达到其他蜘蛛丝的2倍;第二种丝在拉断之前很少延伸,却具有很高的防断裂强度,由这种蜘蛛丝织成的布,比制造防弹背心所用的纤维的强度还高得多。<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>黑寡妇<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>蜘蛛丝的优良性能,很快引起科学家兴趣,他们设想,要是有一种办法能生产像蜘蛛丝那样的高强度纤维该多好。<p></p></P>
<P >  科学家想到让牛奶的蛋白基因中含有<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>黑寡妇<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>蜘蛛丝的蛋白基因,于是就先找山羊进行转基因的科学实验。让山羊与<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>黑寡妇<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>蜘蛛<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>联姻<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>,将蜘蛛蛋白基因,注入一只经过特殊培育的褐色山羊体内,在这只山羊产下的奶中,有大量柔滑的蛋白质纤维,提取这些纤维,就可以生产衣服。<p></p></P>
<P >  实践表明,由转基因羊奶纤维织出的布,比防弹衣的强度还大十几倍。这种超强坚韧的物质,是阻挡枪弹射击的理想材料,也可以用来制造坦克、飞机与装甲车,以及作为军事建筑物的理想<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>防弹衣<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>。根据国外的资料报道,一只羊每月产下的奶提取的纤维,可以制成一件防弹背心。美国正在研究利用蜘蛛丝的专家称,利用这种纤维制成的2.5厘米粗的绳子,足以让一架准备着陆的战斗机完全停下来。<p></p></P>
<P >  科学家给这种物质取名叫<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>生物钢<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>。羊奶与牛奶变成的<FONT face="Times New Roman">“</FONT>生物钢<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>,不仅有钢铁的强度,而且还可以生物降解,不会带来环境污染,可替代引起白色污染的高强度包装塑料和商业用渔网,以及用于医学方面的手术线或人造肌肤。科学家设想,如果让转基因的山羊大量繁殖,就会生产出大量的生物钢用于工农业生产与国防战略,考虑到山羊对植被的破坏性,对牛进行转基因实验的前途更为广阔,一头牛的产奶量比一只山羊的产奶量高得多。</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-10 11:22:29编辑过]
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