<P>Sorry, I'd like to give my opinion in Chinese on this one.</P><P>语言是活的,学语言也要懂得活学,活用(这也包括老师得活教).语法不是一系列让你死记,死背的方程式,只背单词的意思而不懂得怎么用也不是个学单词的好方法.听英语是不需要听清句子里的每一个词-那也不可能,因为很多词是发弱音或连读的,不过只需要听懂关键词,大概都能明白句意.能够真正掌握英语,你需要以英语思考-这不是你需要懂得很多英语才能做到-从简单的开始,比方说'中饭时间在想该吃什么?简单的英语就只说:What's for lunch?' 要尽量利用讲,听英语的机会(虽然新加坡的英语环境不算完美,但总比国内好),有好的老师指导也是重要的一环.</P>
<P>First, you need a goal on how well you want your english to be, your goal has to be achievable, you must have the desire to achieve it, and you will soon to see the result.</P>[em02]
<P>那就多说,多练口语.你或许需要克服不敢开口说英语的心理障碍.多交些肯跟你用英语交谈的朋友(在籍学习英语的学生最好).</P><P>This is a good place for you to practise English, come often. There will always be someone to read and listen to what you've got to say... <b><EM>Where there's a will, there's a way.</EM></b></P>
<P>Then.... dont blame me.. find a boy friend that speak pure English.. you will improve your English in a very short time.. </P><P>But pls... dont try that , i am just kidding!!</P><P>Want to learn well a language? Just work hard... that's everything.</P>