<P>And also, our forum <a href="https://www.sgchinese.com/bbs" target="_blank" >www.sgchinese.com/bbs</A> has its own definition of 'advertisement'.
Removing advertisements from our forum is for the benefit of the majority, not some single individuals. The forum admins have rights to remove such threads without prior notice to the writer. We too have rights to suspend the user's account if, removing threads and warning through private message does not work.
We believe that there are already adequate explanations given for our actions done to your threads, hence we refuse to explain further more.
<P>I am saying once again that whatever actions we take as admins, there are strict objective rules for us to follow. Hence we deeply regret if by doing that we have 'lost your respect'.</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-12 22:17:11编辑过] |