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[注意] 好消息-Bridge 信心世界性新投资 !!

发表于 10-9-2007 14:31:00|来自:马来西亚 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 16-10-2007 12:07:00|来自:马来西亚 | 显示全部楼层
<p>全世界的首富都在忙着卖命。。。该这么说呢??我可不敢享福呢~![em12]</p><p>我介绍是应为这是个很好的投资,可帮到很多中等搜入人士或低等搜入人士。。。或喜欢投资的人士,我特别喜欢专业人士,最好是银行业或投资专家~!</p><p>我是个过来人,我也是低等搜入人士。。。Bridge 也帮了我很多,学会了很多投资的问题。。。</p><p>一句话,我看愿份的。。哈哈。(开玩笑)。。还有谁相信或不相信BRIDGE的,没问题。。常来这看看。。。和打听打听BRIDGE in Europe 的消息 [em01] !Asia ?很快你们会看到消息的 :)!</p>
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发表于 13-10-2007 22:29:00|来自:马来西亚 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>Viewer</i>在2007-10-13 13:18:00的发言:</b><br/>投资了不多,每个Case 都投资!<br/>[em01]<br/>不拉人头当然能赚钱!!!这是投资公司!不是人头公司!!!!请不要误会!!<br/><br/><br/></div><p>不是说闷声发大财?! </p><p>既然你投资公司这么有钱赚, 还赚的不清不楚,那你就不用费心来这里一次又一次发帖做广告来拉眼球(或是拉下线)了吧?! </p><p>还真没见过谁买了一家公司的股票还要这么卖力帮公司拉广告的. </p><p>好几个网友还说都收到你发给他们同样的短信息呢! </p><p>如果真的"不拉人头当然能赚钱", 那你这么发帖顶帖不是太累了?! </p><p>有这个空闲时间享受人生做别的啥不好啊?</p>[em01][em09]
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发表于 13-10-2007 13:18:00|来自:马来西亚 | 显示全部楼层
投资了不多,每个Case 都投资!<br/>[em01]<br/>不拉人头当然能赚钱!!!这是投资公司!不是人头公司!!!!请不要误会!!<br/><br/><br/>
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发表于 13-10-2007 13:32:00|来自:马来西亚 | 显示全部楼层
<div id="post_message_27438">This is what a real investment company
should be like. Unlike all the hyip scams, you can actually verify all
the companies associated with Bridge. Including the companies being
invested in. Read more about Bridge on this blog posting:<br/>
                <a target="_blank" href="">Bridging the Pre IPO &amp; Venture Capital gap for Small Investors | One World Income -- &gt;<br/></a></div>   
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发表于 13-10-2007 13:21:00|来自:马来西亚 | 显示全部楼层
<span class="postbody">Bridge Community expanding in Russia
Our BRIDGE Community in Latvia is growing rapidly, people are signing up, with great interest in the investment opportunity.
Some members from Latvia registered others even as far as in Russia, by mid 2006.
After visualizing the potential for the Russian market; a group of
board members, traveled to Moscow, for the first official presentation
in December 2006. The second meeting was held in St. Petersburg,
January 2007.
Now, six months later, a new team of Board members and consultants visited Russia for the third official meeting.
Moscow, has a population of approximately 12 million people, and is considered one of the most expensive cities in the world.
                <br/>Its economy is as diverse as their culture. You fill find a lot of
poverty; a huge middle class, and also a number of very wealthy people.
                <br/>During the five day scheduled trip; a total of 4 presentations,
were held at the Budapest Hotel, in central Moscow, just about 500
meters from Kremlin and the Red Square.
                <br/>These presentations were conducted by Mr. Maris Dreimanis; with the
participation of ACH Securities; represented by Mr. Frederic
St&#229;lhandske, who informed the attendees about the new Swiss banking
laws, custody account forms; among other topics.
                <br/>As a result of these meetings, new Bridge members have already
registered in Russia, and have now participated in the buyout for
shares for the latest case, GPS BUDDY!
                <br/>There is a very large interest in BRIDGE now; and we hope to
develop a very solid strong membership community further into Russia.</span>
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发表于 13-10-2007 13:22:00|来自:马来西亚 | 显示全部楼层
Pls welcome to Bridge Global Investment New Website Adds - !<br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-13 13:23:58编辑过]
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发表于 2-11-2007 14:47:00|来自:马来西亚 | 显示全部楼层
<span class="newsHeading">
                <span class="wfLabel" id="lblSubject" style="cursor: default;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">BRIDGE MEMBERS LATEST NEWS:</span><br/>Oil technology case put on hold</span>
        <span class="wfLabel" id="lblImage" style="cursor: default;"><img width="111" height="104" class="newsImage" src="" alt=""/></span>
        <span style="font-weight: normal; margin-top: 8px; display: block; font-size: 13px; color: rgb(58, 196, 255);">
                <span class="wfLabel" id="lblDate" style="cursor: default;">2007/10/27</span>
        <div class="text">
                <span class="wfLabel" id="lblBody" style="cursor: default;"><p>The
earlier announced company in the Oil technology industry is no longer a
potential candidate for Bridge investors. Grant Thornton has during the
last three weeks done a Due diligence of the Company and financial data
to be compared with the facts given from the company based of their
Information memorandum.</p>
                        <p>The Bridge Advisory board has been in contact with Grant Thornton
this Tuesday and received additional information to re-evaluate the
Company. The advisory boards recommendation is not to go ahead with an
investment in the Company for the following reasons. </p>
                        <p>Today&#180;s company structure is to complex with limited transparency.
The current strategies are to unclear with inconsistent information
about the ways of proving the success. Company knowledge transfer is
crucial for the survival of the company and need to be addressed in a
better way. The current management capability is to limited for a
controlled growth strategy. </p>
                        <p>For this reason Bridge has decided not to give the company access to
our investor community at this stage. The Advisory board strongly
believe in the potential from the market and they think that the
Company will have a very good chance to succeed if the shortcomings
will be remedied. The Advisory board&#180;s assessment is that the Company
need to define it&#180;s strategy better and prove the concept before they
will be ready for meeting up with our Bridge community. </p>
                        <p>Grant Thornton in Berlin has together with our Advisory have made a
deep and professional analyze in a very short time and we are very
thankful for the recommendations they have been given to us and the
Company. We now believe that the Company can concentrate to work with
their weaknesses in order to get back to us and make our financial
advsiors satisfied, says Mr. Mats J&#228;derberg, representative of Bridge
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发表于 2-11-2007 14:48:00|来自:马来西亚 | 显示全部楼层
<span class="newsHeading"><span style="font-weight: bold;">BRIDGE MEMBERS LATEST NEWS:</span><br/><span class="wfLabel" id="lblSubject" style="cursor: default;">GPS Buddys oversubscribed more than 2,5 times</span>
        <span class="wfLabel" id="lblImage" style="cursor: default;"><img width="111" height="104" class="newsImage" src="" alt=""/></span>
        <span style="font-weight: normal; margin-top: 8px; display: block; font-size: 13px; color: rgb(58, 196, 255);">
                <span class="wfLabel" id="lblDate" style="cursor: default;">2007/10/28</span>
        <div class="text">
                <span class="wfLabel" id="lblBody" style="cursor: default;"><p>ACH
Securities in Switzerland reports on behalf of their Bridge investors
that GPS Buddy&#180;s second issue of 1,3 million Euros was also this time
heavily oversubscribed more than 2.5 times.</p>
                        <p>Due to the over subscription, the available shares of 1,3 million
Euro, will be allocated in a drawing process where members that did not
receive any shares in the first issue will be prioritized. In January,
GPS Buddys last issue will take place with a approved prospectus at a
higher valuation together with their financial advisor William Fry in
Ireland. Securities dealer based in Ireland. Bridge will in December
announce the dates and places for the investment Road shows in Europe
with the Co- founders of GPS Buddy Holding Ltd. </p></span>
        <span class="wfLabel" id="lblAttachment" style="cursor: default;"></span>
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发表于 2-11-2007 14:35:00|来自:马来西亚 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong>What does a bridge membership mean?</strong><br/>
You will be a member of an investment club in which you will be able to
invest in not yet quoted shares. The goal is that you will annually
receive offers where you can sign up for a minimum of one block of new
shares in fast growing companies all over the world. All companies that
are offered are on their way to be quoted.<br/>
You purchase your own shares and they are registered in your name. They
will be deposited at a custody account in your name. Bridge never
handles your investment, Bridge only acts as an intermediary.<br/>
Your custody account will be registered at ACH Securities a securities
dealer based in Geneva, Switzerland. You can visit their website at:<br/>
The companies that you will be offered to invest in are – none quoted
fast growing companies that are planning to quote their shares at the
stock market somewhere in the world.<br/>
The companies that will be proposed to the members have to full fill the following demands:</p>
        <ul><li>They have to be profitable.</li><li>They shall be in a fast growing phase.</li><li>The have to aim to be quoted at the stock market somewhere in the world within 6-36 months.</li><li>All Prospectuses have to be authorized by the local government’s
Financial Supervisory board and approved by the brokerfirm that is
broking the deal.</li><li>The have to be approved by Bridge Advisory board.</li></ul>
        <p>The goal with the investment is to earn 3-5 times the money within 6-36 months.</p>
        <p><strong>The shares/ pre-IPO</strong><br/>
Normally these types of investments has two major disadvantages for
small investors. The first is the price for purchasing one block of
shares in this type of companies. It is often set at the amount of $35
000 - $100 000, occasionally they are set at a price of $7 000 - $14
Through Bridge the price for a block of shares is set to 1000 – 1500 EURO.</p>
        <p>The second disadvantage is that these types of shares are difficult
to sell before they are quoted. In Bridge members can trade these
shares between themselves. The broker bank in Switzerland has invested
in a trading system that will enable Bridge members to have their own
trading at their own stock market, similar to the stock markets offered
by net brokers.</p>
        <p><strong>Advisory board</strong><br/>
The Bridge advisory board functions as an investment committee, giving
its investment recommendations to the parent company. It evaluates
prospects from companies, and then invites the most promising ones to
investment meetings for our members. These successful entrepreneurs,
financial professionals and venture capital investors will review the
companies that are interested in offering their pre-IPO to Bridge
members, before Bridge even continues to consider offering their
services to the company it has to be approved by the advisory board.</p>
        <p>The members of Bridge advisory board:</p>
        <ul><li>Anders Eriksson</li><li>Koos Tesselaar</li><li>Suresh Patel</li><li>Bj&#246;rn Zikarsky</li></ul>
Members of Bridge Investment Network and Bridge Group have at current invested in these companies.</p>
        <p><img width="194" height="47" alt="Mindark" src=""/><br/></p>
        <p>GPS-Buddy is a provider of vehicle tracking and mobile data
solutions for vehicle fleets. GPS-Buddy is at the forefront of
easy-to-use business solutions for tracking, managing, monitoring,
messaging, navigation and routing from door to door.<br/>
Investment year: 2007  |  Amount invested: 3.5 MEUR</p>
        <p><img width="61" height="47" alt="Mindark" src=""/><br/></p>
        <p>Sting Networks is a unique white label operator delivering complete
VoIP Solutions. The solutions enable Sting Networks’ partners to offer
innovative IP telephony services under their own brand to their own
customer base.<br/>
Investment year: 2007  |  Amount invested: 50 MSEK</p>
        <p><img width="102" height="47" alt="Mindark" src=""/><br/></p>
        <p>Mindark operate, develop and market the Entropia Universe (EU). More
than a game, EU is a 3d virtual universe on the Internet for
interactive entertainment, social interaction and trade. EU has a Real
Cash Economy with its own currency. Soon to be quoted at the London
Stock Exchange.</p>
        <p>Investment year: 2006  |  Amount invested: 30 MSEK</p>
        <p><a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt=""/></a><br/></p>
        <p>ELIAN Developers in Cyprus is a member of the ELIAN Group of
companies in the field of property investment and development. A
dynamic, rapidly expanding company, ELIAN Developers is now one of the
largest property developers on the South East coast of Cyprus, covering
a wide range of homes, from one bedroom apartments to three bedroom
luxury villas.</p>
        <p>This is a very profitable real estate investment offer made to Bridge members that is currently still open.</p>
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