<p></p><p><font size="4">3。为什么“Annual Expense Ratio”一般会比“Annual Management Charge”高,是因为FSM收了其他费用么?</font></p><p><font size="4">A: 基金公司通常向基金持有人收取多种费用,不仅仅是 Annual Management Charge一种而已,一般Annual Expense Ratio包含以下费用:</font></p><p><font size="4"> • Annual Management Charge;<br/> • Trustee fee;<br/> • Administration fee;<br/> • Accounting and valuation fees;<br/> • Custodian, sub-custodian and depository fees;<br/> • Registrar fees;<br/> • Legal and professional fees;<br/> • Printing and distribution costs;<br/> • Audit fee;<br/> • Amortised expenses; and<br/> • GST on expenses.</font></p><p><font size="4">但是Annual Expense Ratio不包含以下费用:</font></p><p><font size="4">• Interest expense;<br/>• Brokerage and other transaction costs associated with the purchase and sales of<br/> nvestments (such as registrar charges and remittance fees);<br/>• Foreign exchange gains and losses of the fund, whether realised or unrealised;<br/>• Tax deducted at source or arising on income received, including withholding tax;<br/>• Front end loads, back end loads and other costs arising on the purchase or sale of a foreign unit trust or mutual fund, including any costs arising where a Singapore feeder fund invests into an off-shore parent-fund. Such expenses would generally be capitalised into the cost of the investment and will subsequently be reflected as a diminution in net asset value when the investment is first marked to market after purchase;<br/>• Dividends and other distributions paid to unit-holders.</font></p><p></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-11 22:08:14编辑过] |