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楼主: 九重葛


发表于 18-7-2007 22:59:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


<p>Not sure what is the govt's intention and how do they foresee the housing market in Spore!</p><p>To incease DC is to increase the cost of contruction for the developers, meanwhile, the govt can benefit from higher income. </p><p>If they believe the market is overheated, they should have controlled it from the demand side, this is more from the&nbsp;supply side. The actual impact would be minimum, the biggest impact is to those 99 yrs with en bloc potential, Laguna Park, Normatten Park which have huge piece of land without fully untilized. </p><p></p>
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发表于 19-7-2007 08:46:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>birdhugecn</i>在2007-7-18 22:59:00的发言:</b><br/><p>Not sure what is the govt's intention and how do they foresee the housing market in Spore!</p><p>To incease DC is to increase the cost of contruction for the developers, meanwhile, the govt can benefit from higher income. </p><p>If they believe the market is overheated, they should have controlled it from the demand side, this is more from the&nbsp;supply side. The actual impact would be minimum, the biggest impact is to those 99 yrs with en bloc potential, Laguna Park, Normatten Park which have huge piece of land without fully untilized. </p><p></p></div><p>Yes, Govement already say 下半年将会增加推出的新的HDB,会比上半年还多:</p><p><font size="5">Not as hot as you think ...<br/></font><a href="" target="_blank" ymtge="0" q8mwk="0"></a><br/>30% of HDB resale flats sold at or below valuation, according to new data<br/><br/>Tuesday &#8226; July 17, 2007</p><p>......</p><p><strong>The HDB is also quelling concerns that there may not be enough flats available.<br/><br/>It said it has offered some 1,400 new flats under the Build-to-Order (BTO) exercises in the first half and is planning to offer about 3,000 new flats in the second half. It added that there are currently some 760,000 flats eligible for transactions in the resale market</strong></p>
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发表于 19-7-2007 08:43:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>fanglinsg</i>在2007-7-18 20:39:00的发言:</b><br/>(新加坡讯)联合早报网消息,国家发展部宣布从今天开始起,将发展费从50%调高到70%。 <p>  政府是在1985年经济萧条时期,将发展费用从70%调低到50%,希望刺激当时萎靡的房地产市场。市区重建局的文告指出,随着现在市场一片大好,是时候将发展费调回1985年以前的水平。 </p><p>  <strong>受访的分析员不认为,政府这么做是在为过热的房地产市场降温。 </strong></p>[em01][em03][em09]</div><p></p><p>可是昨天的十点新闻一开始就报道是<strong>分析员认为,政府这么做是在为过热的房地产市场降温。尤其是集体出售,</strong></p><p>政府是在1985年经济萧条时期,将发展费用从70%调低到50%,希望刺激当时萎靡的房地产市场。</p><p>如果是相反动作,政府的意图已经很明显了,而且下半年将会增加推出的新的HDB,会比上半年还多</p>
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