<span class="mediate" id="post_content">帮国内的朋友找两名会计<br/>公司名:</span><span style="font-size: 10pt;">丰南有限公司<br/>公司地址:中国广东东莞<br/></span><span class="mediate" id="post_content">
要求:女性,年龄不限, 国籍不限, 会讲普通话和英语<br/>
工资待遇不错, 有意的朋友请将简历发送到 hsl_vivian@188.com<br/>
或联系 86-13728127713咨询更多详情。<br/>
如果您有朋友可能会对这份工作感兴趣, 请把这个消息传给她, 谢谢!<br/>
looking for two accountants.<br/>
Female, fluent English and mandarin,<br/>
Working place: Mainland China, Hong Kong and Indonesia.<br/>
attractive remuneration will be offered to the right candidate.<br/>
Interested applicants please send your resume to hsl_vivian@188.com or call 86-13728127713 for more details.<br/>
If any of your friends may be interested in this position, please forward this message to her, thanks! <br/></span>
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-25 20:30:51编辑过] |