今天去ICA办了PR相关手续,拿到黄卡,下周去领IC。现在涉及到老婆的DP cancel问题, 老婆拿的DP pass,现在在国内。PR是一起申请的,但是老婆短期内过不来,已经申请延期了四个月。今天ICA要求在七天内必须把老婆的DP cancel掉。信上有这样的字眼: For cancellation of Dependent's pass, the following documents are to be produced: (1) A letter from sponsoring corporation requesting for cancellation of Dependent's pass; (2) The pass holder's valid travel document and the Disembarkation/Embarkation Card(Green); and (3) Form IMM27 duly completed. 我是这样理解的:(1),就是ICA给我的这封信本身,没问题(2)。我老婆的护照原本(THE PASS HOLDER'S VALID TRAVEL DOCUMENT)? 那是不是还得让我老婆从国内寄过来呢?还有这个Disembarkation/Embarkation Card(Green)指的是什么?(3)。Form IMM27 duly completed 指的是什么?大家谁有经验,能不能告知一下?多谢了! |