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[陪读话题] 请问小学报名

发表于 15-5-2008 08:06:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 15-5-2008 12:22:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size="4">时常去MOE的网站看看,今年的报名从5月中旬就开始了,第一阶段是给那些兄弟姐妹在校的孩子,你孩子的情况应该要到7、8月份了,MOE的首页就有小一报名程序,去看看吧,名额空缺是每个阶段都有标记的。</font></p>
<p><font size="4">其实报纸到时也会登出来的。</font></p>
<p><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font size="4">还有你孩子这时应该是K2,这个阶段都会有入学手册发给家长的。</font></p>
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发表于 15-5-2008 23:48:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 16-5-2008 11:28:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size="4">新加坡的小学入学报名通常情况下,是依据就近入学的原则,当然,有兄弟姐妹已是在校学生的,不用参照这条(还有父母或者兄弟姐妹是校友的,学校职工子弟,校董子弟,基层领袖的孩子都不用参照就近入学这一条)</font></p>
<p><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font size="4">所以第一个孩子入学很重要,很多家长一定要在好学校周围选房子(最好不超过1KM的范围,因为当申请人大于学位时,需要抽签就是以住家范围1km为优先)。再就是如果早就打听好学校,为了保证入学,可以提前1年去申请当学校的义工,有的好学校是保证义工孩子的学位的,但有的好学校义工孩子的学位也是要抽签的。更甚的是有的学校申请作义工也都是要抽签的。</font></p>
<p><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font size="4">此时,LZ还不了解报名程序和操作,没有在此前作任何进名校的工作和努力。相信进名校的机会应该很渺茫了(除非小三考高才班)。</font></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 14:04:54编辑过]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 16-5-2008 14:21:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<h1><font face="Verdana"></font></h1>
<h1>Phases of Primary One Registration Exercise</h1>
<h2>Category 1<sup><a id="footnote1-anchor" href="">1</a></sup>: Children who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents</h2>
<h3>Phase 1</h3>
<p>For a child who has a sibling studying in a school of choice.</p>
<p><strong>Registration</strong>: Tuesday 3rd July 2007 and Wednesday 4th July 2007</p>
<p>All children registered under this phase will be given places in schools.</p>
<h3>Phase 2A1</h3>
<p>For a child whose parent is a former student of the school and who has joined the alumni association as a member not later than 30 Jun 2006; or whose parent is a member of the School Advisory/Management Committee.</p>
<p><strong>Registration</strong>: Friday 6th July 2007</p>
<p><strong>Announcement of Result</strong>: By Monday 9th July 2007</p>
<h3>Phase 2A2</h3>
<p>For a child whose parent or sibling has studied in the school of choice; or whose parent is a staff member of the school of choice.</p>
<p><strong>Registration</strong>: Wednesday 11th July 2007 and Thursday 12th July 2007</p>
<p><strong>Announcement of Result</strong>: By Tuesday 17th July 2007</p>
<h3>Phase 2B<sup><a id="footnote1-anchor" href="">2</a></sup></h3>
<p>For a child whose parent has joined the school as a parent volunteer not later than 1 July 2006 and has given at least 40 hours of voluntary service to the school by 30 June 2007; or whose parent is a member of the church/clan directly connected with the school; or whose parent is endorsed as an active community leader.</p>
<p><strong>Registration</strong>: Thursday 19th July 2007 and Friday 20th July 2007</p>
<p><strong>Announcement of Result</strong>: By Wednesday 25th July 2007</p>
<h3>Phase 2C</h3>
<p>For a child who is ineligible for or unsuccessful in earlier phases.</p>
<p><strong>Registration</strong>: Tuesday 31st July 2007, Wednesday 1st August 2007 and Thursday 2nd August 2007</p>
<p><strong>Announcement of Result</strong>: By Monday 13th August 2007</p>
<h3>Phase 2C Supplementary</h3>
<p>For a child who is unsuccessful in gaining a place in a school of choice at Phase 2C.</p>
<p><strong>Registration</strong>: Monday 20th August 2007</p>
<p><strong>Announcement of Result</strong>: By Thursday 23rd August 2007</p>
<h2>Category 2<sup><a id="footnote3-anchor" href="">3</a></sup>: Children who are not Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents</h2>
<h3>Phase 3</h3>
<p>For a child who is not a Singapore Citizen or a Permanent Resident.</p>
<p><strong>Registration and Announcement of Result</strong>: Thursday 30th August 2007</p>
<ol class="footnote">
<li id="footnote-1">
<p>Should the number of applications exceed the number of vacancies in any phase, places will be balloted according to the following order of priority:</p>
<li>Children living within 1 kilometre of the school of choice.
<li>Children living between 1-2 kilometres of the school of choice.
<li>Children living outside 2 kilometres of the school of choice. </li></ol><a title="Jump back="back"  to="to"  footnote="footnote"  1="1"  in="in"  the="the"  text" href="">&#8617;</a>
<li id="footnote-2">At the end of Phase 2A(2), 50% of the remaining places will be allocated for phase 2B and the other 50% for Phase 2C registrants in a school. In the event that less than 50% of the allocated vacancies is taken up at Phase 2B, the remaining vacancies will be carried forward to Phase 2C. <a title="Jump back="back"  to="to"  footnote="footnote"  2="2"  in="in"  the="the"  text" href="">&#8617;</a>
<li id="footnote-3">Children who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents and who have not registered at any of the earlier phases are also eligible to register at this phase. Registration in this phase is on a first-come-first-served basis. <a title="Jump back="back"  to="to"  footnote="footnote"  3="3"  in="in"  the="the"  text" href="">&#8617;</a> </li></ol><!-- end #main-content -->
<div id="sidebar">
<div id="sidebar-within">
<h3>Primary One Registration</h3>
<li><a href="">General Information</a>
<li><a href="">Registration Phases</a>
<li><a href="">Required Documents</a>
<li><a href="">Required Immunisation</a>
<li><a href="">Primary Schools by Development Guide Plan</a>
<li><a href="">Primary Schools by Constituency</a>
<li><a href="">New, Relocating, Merging Primary Schools</a>
<li><a href="">Information for Singaporeans Overseas</a>
<li><a href="">Primary Schools Conducting Balloting</a>
<li><a href="">School Vacancies by Phases</a>
<li><a href="">Frequently Asked Questions</a> </li></ul></div><!-- end of #sidebar-within --></div><!-- end of #sidebar --><!-- end #content -->
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使用道具 举报

发表于 18-5-2008 17:56:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>请问Statutory Declaration 是什么?</p>
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发表于 29-5-2008 21:45:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 1-6-2008 19:47:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 7-6-2008 07:29:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 9-6-2008 11:17:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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