发表于 14-12-2011 21:27:13|来自:新加坡
本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 14-12-2011 21:28 编辑
"数学小超人"林捷(Lim Jeck)的妹妹在博客上公布了Queenstown Primary School 的PSLE成绩:
2011 PSLE Results Release
This is posted by LL
My mother's prediction of my PSLE results in this post - P6 Prelim Results and Expected PSLE Aggregate Score that is currently the most popular post in this blog (overtakes the SMO 2011 Junior Answers post) is very accurate. But why would anyone search that? It's not like the PSLE results will be online, or that post will teach someone to predict his/her PSLE aggregate score.
Anyway, if anyone is interested, which I doubt, my PSLE aggregrate score is 253, with A* for Mathematics and Science, and A for English and Chinese. The score doesn't matter because I have been admitted to NUS High under the DSA-Sec exercise ☺.
In my school (Queenstown Primary), 28 students (11.3%) scored 250 and above. The top scores are: 273, 268, 265, 265, 265, 265.
QtPS students getting aggregate score >= 250 for PSLE 2011