本帖最后由 蛇灵Princess 于 29-9-2017 22:25 编辑
毕业后不久收到学校的信说要在某个特定日期前进TGIS更新状态, 当时我和同学们都觉得学校疯了, 谁能保证那个时候大家都找到工作了, 怎么能限定一个时间呢, 现在记不太清楚但是可以确定是在毕业后两三个月的样子.
我是毕业后一个礼拜就找到工作, 最好的朋友毕业一个月后找到的, 由于信上说需要上传准证号码和公司的employment letter然后审核通过了才可以算是开始serve bond.
据我所知那个限定时间前有70%的同学还没找到工作, 有些连面试机会都没有, 我都替他们捏把汗, 但是后来回国的回国, 消失的消失也都没怎么联系了.
昨天忽然想起这个事情就想登录看看现在算是serve几个月的bond结果发现无论我试了几次我所知道的密码组合都不能进, 本人一辈子也就用那几个密码, 但试遍了就是不能进.
后来看到登录框下面有忘记密码重设的链接就点了那个, 按照给的指示输入它发到我邮箱的verification code, 然后重设密码, 结果就出现以下页面, 无论点击哪个链接都是以下画面, 不知道跟正在申请PR有没有关系(虽然觉得不太可能有关系).
之前已经成功审核了, 登录也很顺利, 有点不爽的就是TGIS花了将近2个月的时间来审核然后居然按照通过的那天来计算, 那老子之前的工作都白做了... 虽说俺木有回国的打算, 差个几个月无所谓, 但是心里还是有点小不平.
现在的问题就是登不进, 靠reset password进了又出现Unauthorized Access, 都不知道是怎么回事, 请问大家有相同的情况么!!!???
刚刚去找了下邮件, 贴出来给大家看下, 因为信已经丢了, 邮件内容如下:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TUITION GRANT BOND - EMPLOYMENT UPDATE REMINDER
2013 TP Diploma in XXX
1. You may have, in the midst of your busy schedule, overlooked to update your employment details with MOE. As part of your obligation under the tuition grant bond. Maintaining a regular update of your employment details is one of the obligations stipulated in the bond agreement. It is also necessary to facilitate the prompt release from your bond obligation upon your successful completion of the required bond period.
2. In order to update your employment details, please login to the TGonline system at https://tgonline.moe.gov.sg using your User ID and password. You can use the upload facility to make an online submission of the required documents (e.g. employment certification letter, service testimonial, IR8A, CPF statement) for our verification. You do not need to provide the hardcopy documents. If you need more information on how to update your employment details, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at the TGonline website.
3. Please update your employment details latest by 02-Jan-2014. Your employment details will be updated in our system after we have verified that the documents you have submitted are in order. Please note that you will still need to login to the TGonline system and indicate no change of records, even if your employment details have no changed since your last update.
4. If you have just updated your employment details within the past six months and that you are currently still with the same company, please ignore this reminder. For Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) males currently serving National Service, please also ignore this reminder.
5. Thank you.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have enabled your TGonline account. Please click Lost Password and a new password will be sent to your email. Click on the link and copy and paste the passcode to access the system. Please note that TGonline is very sensitive. If you have made 2 attempts to access the system and failed, please do not try again. Try at a later time. Or use another browser (IE) to access the system. More than 2 attempts at any one time will cause your account to be suspended. When resetting your password , please do not use any passwords that you have previously used before. Regards xxxxxx
Assistant Executive (Higher Education Finance), Higher Education Division • Tel: +65 • Fax: +65 Ministry of Education • 1 North Buona Vista Drive, sgchinese8675 • http://www.moe.gov.sg Integrity the Foundation • People our Focus • Learning our Passion • Excellence our Pursuit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 更新一下: 收到MOE的回应了, 各位朋友大家注意了, 输入密码错误三次账号就会被封锁, 要多试请在错误2次后等待一段时间再试, 重设密码也不能用之前用过的, 哎~ 楼主就这样桑心的被酸了一下, 不过实践造就真理, 所以FIN NO这个东西还是不要随便让人知道, 不然上去调皮两下恐怕就要跟MOE的人多多打交道了... 顺带提一下, 楼主的serve bond时间还是显示为2个月, 桑心啊~ 正在等答案中... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 再次更新: 收到MOE的回复, 是上一封邮件回复人推荐的人, 让我给他发邮件. 收到速度也很快, 感觉效率杠杠的~ 第一次申请填写的时候, end date是不能放空, 而且只能选择提交申请当天的日期, 所以我的第一次申请通过是从我的employment letter上面写的月份算到我提交那天的, 一共就只有两个月. 于是我就问那么我该怎样更新呢? 总不能每次都等一段时间然后再上去吧, 还是其实系统会自动更新之类的. 对方回答第二次update的start date只要选择上一次endate的后一天, 然后end date放空, 表示一直在那工作, 然后备齐SPass, Employment Letter和最近一个月的Pay Slip的扫描件一起提交就可以了. 总感觉那样也只是证明到这个月而已, 心想会不会是跟楼下[sunjun008]说的一样, 每个月都要主动提交工资单呢? 不管怎样. 等通过了俺再来做最后更新. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最后更新: 星期六提交的今天就通过了, 除开周末, 就一天的时间, 效率果然杠杠的, 只不过end date虽然填写的时候按照officer说的放空, 但是通过后依然显示截止到提交申请的那天...所以答案很清楚, 要么每个月都去提交那个月的工资单, 要么久久一次, 加上Employment Letter和SPass以及最近一个月的工资单, 到此更新完毕~~~ 希望能帮助到有需要的朋友~~~:loveliness: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------