本帖最后由 ERC3366 于 23-8-2022 17:08 编辑
Singapore Employment agency for take over:
Description We are established since 2005. It is suitable for buyer who is keen to run the businesshimself/herself. It has good profit margin or income for the business owner. The comprehensive lisence is suitable for: Headhunting, professional recruitment services, labor service, maids agency and other types of "Work Pass" for foreigners. We are selling the business because of retirement . Interested to take over the business must possess KAH (if placement of Singapore work pass). Suitable for Recruitment Manager who wants to set up their own business.
适合经营各种商业管理咨询服务,有经验的国际招聘服务公司/猎头/职业介绍所的经理或执行人员建立 新加坡分公司或办事处,可尝试申请创业签证。 有兴趣者请联络微信:easternresource