发表于 12-2-2008 00:14:00|来自:新加坡
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>东方100</i>在2008-2-11 11:45:00的发言:</b><br/>1。 这句话不是很明白,可以详细解释一下吗? <p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">as far as hdb concern , a proper family nulcuar [or other eligibility scheme]need to form in order to retain the hse. if not , within the 5 year period, hdb will buy back [ postal price] , after 5 year period , re-sell in open market within 6 month.</font></p><p>2。150%的罚金,是一个月的150%,还是所有租金总和的150%? HDB take back the flat 是以怎样的价格? 买的时候是 大概290k 多,这种情形下收回是怎样的价格?</p><p>3。只要有屋主在里面住,可以把多余的房间出租出去,不管是不是新买的,都不用通知HDB,现在的政策是不是这样?</p><p>4。 在问题3的基础上,屋主可能会中间出国,可能1个月,也可能2个月,也可能半年,那么在最长多长时间,HDB会允许的? 也就是说,只要出境不超过这个时间,HDB会依然认为你是一直合法的occupy这个房子。也就是那个算在那个5年期限里面。</p><p>5。 假设问题4的期限是半年,那么我太太每隔5个月零30天回去一次(假设),住几天回来;对于房子里面的租客来说,就是我房东出国了,再过几个月就回来。 这种办法可行吗? </p><p>是不是一定要锁一间? 是不是一定要锁主人房? 其他房间可以吗?</p><p>谢谢</p></div><p><font color="#ff3300" size="4">1. if yr wife PR did not renew, u still can retain the hse, u must above 35 year old, to qualify for [non-citizen spouse scheme], currently u are husband and wife[public scheme], or not they will buy -back the hse[within 5 year] , re-sell in open market[ after 5 year]</font></p><p>150%的罚金,是一个月的150%,还是所有租金总和的150%</p><p><font color="#ff3300" size="4">2. normally they base on 1 year. [eg.S$1000 X 12 X150%] </font></p><p>HDB take back the flat 是以怎样的价格? 买的时候是 大概290k 多,这种情形下收回是怎样的价格?</p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">they have a formula to caculate the purchase price, it will be the orginal price the first buyer bought directly from hdb multiple certain %, it will be much lower than 290k, maybe in the range between 120k-150k.[or not, when market down, a lot of hse will be sell back to hdb rather sell below 30-50k below vauation.]</font></p><p>3。只要有屋主在里面住,可以把多余的房间出租出去,不管是不是新买的,都不用通知HDB,现在的政策是不是这样?</p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">是</font></p><p>4。 在问题3的基础上,屋主可能会中间出国,可能1个月,也可能2个月,也可能半年,那么在最长多长时间,HDB会允许的? 也就是说,只要出境不超过这个时间,HDB会依然认为你是一直合法的occupy这个房子。也就是那个算在那个5年期限里面。</p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">u goto hdb counter no officer will tell u the answer also, as this is the grey area. so i got no answer for u also.</font></p><p>5。 假设问题4的期限是半年,那么我太太每隔5个月零30天回去一次(假设),住几天回来;对于房子里面的租客来说,就是我房东出国了,再过几个月就回来。 这种办法可行吗? </p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">please refer to ans 4.</font></p><p>是不是一定要锁一间? 是不是一定要锁主人房? 其他房间可以吗?</p><p><font color="#ff3300" size="4">锁一间 is old method [to pretend the hse owner is still stay in the hse], to fool hdb and fool the owner[ those clever agent] ,as once the enforcement officer/branch officer come and raid the hse [during mid-night], they will ask a lot of question , like what time the owner come home, what time they washing cloth, what time they eat their dinner/lunch, the officer will ask the tenant and the hse owner, if u stay inside the hse , u can answer all question, or not sure get caught .</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">if u intend to rent yr hdb flat, do the proper way, HDB的政策常常在变, who know after a few year , they may let u buy and sell within 6 month.</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">if u try to 钻漏洞, u may not be able to sleep well at night and alway need to worry the hdb call u.</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="4">my 2 cent thought</font></p> |